How hard can you get hit

in #life7 years ago

I just listened to this mash up with Sylvester Stallone’s speech in it over and over and over again while at the gym.

You know, the famous one where he talks to his son, and says how life is about how hard you can get hit and still keep going.

Usually, I’m not a fan of all this fluffy motivational bullshit. But this one hit me. You can’t influence what anybody will do to you, how hard life is gonna hit you in the face and try to keep you down. All you can influence, determine, is how you react to it.

Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the face

Another great quote by somebody, I think Mike Tyson.

The point is: whatever curve ball life is gonna throw at you, you gotta get back up, back in the game.

There’s no point stressing over the tiny details or wonder why this and that happened. Just accept it and move on.

Of course, it’s gonna hurt, it won’t be easy, it will taste like shit, but in the great scheme of things, what really matters?

So, don’t be kept down, get practical, and don’t waste time looking back. Which I know, is easier said than done. But still. Gotta keep doing.

Stay awesome and don’t fail to create!


You remind me to use my gym card. It has been too long :(

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