
Very heartbreaking. They never think what they live for.
I am very furious and sad to watch it. Thank you very much for these submissions. Hopefully there are parties who can try to stop it. We must always broadcast and publish it to the world. May all steemians be able to speak to the world and our voices be heard by them.
Let the steemians strive.

Thank you.Some humans think all resources and everything else on earth is there for the sole purpose of providing for and supporting them.

I saw it a lot of times on my FB wall. It really pains me. I don't want them to be extinct. I hope humans will stop thinking about temporary convenience and greed. Maybe be one day we will become endagered after animals.

Thank you.I don't think they will become extinct, thanks to the good work of preservation groups, but fewer and fewer will be able to live in the natural homes of their birth.

I hope they will stop doin those illegal act. I am hoping for the best.

Thank you.You can help by publicising and bringing it to the attention of as many caring and right thinking people as you can.

I will. Thank you.

Best wishes.

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