2018 closing thoughts

in #life6 years ago (edited)

In the past, I've written some pretty decent material. Hope it serves Googlers well. ... sometime soon, will perhaps write more law oriented material. It is something that brings me joy, even if imperfect.

Another thing though that concerns me after reading, is "philosophers" here on steemit. I read many pushing anarchistic ways. One must simply ask, in heart of hearts. Is anarchy truly beneficial?

Or is it more beneficial to do everything in moderation. Many philosophers such as Socrates, Plato, Pythageros, all the up until Hobbes and his ass backward theories condemned anarchy as extremist fodder. Readers need to ask themselves what good is fighting chaos (governments, etc) with more chaos? It only allows those who know how to utilize chaos to their benefit to have the upper hand.

I see others here, saying steemers are hypocrites, because everyone joined " for the money. " Let me be clear; i joined steem because on twitter i was writing about CPS long before i met those in familyprotection. (Which is a good group). I was calling out our elected officials, for their deceptive ways. Even at the end telling Andrew McCabe, he cannot hide the "truth." (drawing his response and subsequentially my last tweet). Long story short, was censored off the platform. So, it's not about money; rather sharing ideas without fear of censorship.

In closing, this year has been the toughest year for me personally since my younger days. A lot of personal health issues that gradually had to over come. At same time, building me in ways never could've imagined.

To all of you I say, love every moment you have good and bad. Be thankful for everything. Stay away from deception (anarchists and the like), be moderate in your lifestyle. Use "light and dark" to grow.

Here's to 2018; you haven't killed me yet. May you all be inscribed for a great 2019.


In the past, I've written some pretty decent material. Hope it serves Googlers well. ... sometime soon, will perhaps write more law oriented material. It is something that brings me joy, even if imperfect.

I have found your posts to be of benefit. While I am here for money, it is not my immediate concern as I would have earned so much more self publishing (which I am trying to phase back into). My plan is a gamble, that perhaps one day Steem may do a fraction value wise of what Ethereum did and help me undo many of the bad fiscal choices i have made that are more apparent as my days see the sunset approach.

Another thing though that concerns me after reading, is "philosophers" here on steemit. I read many pushing anarchistic ways. One must simply ask, in heart of hearts. Is anarchy truly beneficial?

This could apply to me, although I no longer hold appreciation much for those titled philosopher. It reeks of the same sentiment as "those who can do, those who can't teach." Philosophy usually entails discussion with little to no action. You ask if anarchy is beneficial, and I would counter with the question if structured governing is beneficial? History is a cycle of oppression from those who have being a parasite/disease on the masses. I would submit to you my friend that true love is an act of anarchy, something that can't be dictated. It must be given freely, a voluntary gift from the heart. It seems to me through observation most are trained to disregard their power as it is something in their minds delegated to the ruling powers.

I love the idea presented here of gifting, of helping others with the potential at some future undetermined time that it may directly be beneficial to me as well. Yet even if it never materializes, I am enriched knowing that my participation in certain groups via donations and upvotes have helped others who needed the money that they received when cashing out to pay for food and lights etc. It was ingenious that a system was devised to allow for the potential for both helping others and possibly helping oneself.

I suspect that we are on the precipice of a darkness that will possibly destroy everything we would cherish. The time is now (it always has been really) to decide if one is going to make the moments count. And realize that in the larger scheme those moments might not mean anything to any beings other than oneself and those who are affected by such gestures. To decide that acts of kindness and love are the benefit and drop the idea of the merchant mentality. There are to few gestures, and it is my opinion that every single one of them that are heartfelt comes from a place of anarchy, a place where one does what one wants without some structured force dictating or granting permission it be so.

I hope you are settling in the new place, my friend. Have been watching for you in my feed, and logged in earlier than planned when I saw you had posted. Will be posting later, but wanted to connect as per usual, you touch on valuable points.

reeks of the same sentiment as "those who can do, those who can't teach." Philosophy usually entails discussion with little to no action. You ask if anarchy is beneficial, and I would counter with the question if structured governing is beneficial? History is a cycle of oppression from those who have being a parasite/disease on the masses. I would submit to you my friend that true love is an act of anarchy, something that can't be dictated. It must be given freely, a voluntary gift from the heart. It seems to me through observation most are trained to disregard their power as it is something in their minds delegated to the ruling powers.

I'm not sure that we are talking about same system. As these individuals where often (murdered, silenced, etc) due to their expression to disciples that man does not need a government (because man would self regulate himself) there are minute concepts that would need to be re-modernized... yet namely i think our scenario and their scenario are parallels.

Thank you for your continued loyalty and friendship, both of which has inspired me to contemplate issues would have never thought about.

We are settled in, fully enjoying what the new atmosphere brings.

That's a great attitude to close this post with. I've had a rough 2018 too. I share the sentiment.

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