What is a minimalist life? What does it mean to you?

in #life6 years ago

It’s going to be a different for everyone, for some it means having a nearly empty closet, for others it may mean a sparse living space. 

Maybe you think it’s a small house and living of what you can grow or big house with a lot of space. 

Does it really matter what it means to everyone, do we need to be told to live this way?

Truthfully we can do whatever makes us happy, the thing to be sure of, is buying more and more really making me happy?

If it’s because everyone else has it, if that’s the only reason it’s not going to bring any joy at all, why spend money in this way?

It’s all just stuff at the end of the day. Bring things into your life that bring you joy, love what you wear, enjoy the things you can use, things you see around you make sure they bring pleasure in the having.



I view myself as a minimalist because I am not materialistic and have few possessions.

 I always laugh when people come to our home because hey ask if we have just moved in hence the Zen atmosphere, so I reply, ‘we have what we need’. 

I also follow the middle path as it gives you a better sense of balance in all things where you are not excessive one way or the other.

 It requires you to trust life. 

It is in this state you come to be in the present where opposites will exist around you. 

Its best to view it as not a path between two paths but rather a different path that doesn’t go to extremes. 

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