How I Earned My 1 Million EUR , Real Life Story

in #life8 years ago (edited)

For some time here on Steemit i kinda holding back to reveal some of my past experinces . It's like when you meet some new persons and don't thrust them enough to share something from your life with them. Also i have read some good stories here about success in pesonal , financial or business field so i have decided to share mine .

I don't have side notes for this , story will flow by the points in time that i remember from that period. I'm now 41 years old , and i earned this money before my 30 birthday . So let's move on.

I was young and i was in search for job . I was not good enough in any particular field after high school but i did know how to talk . I did have some experience in selling cars , that i have done with my father. So anyhow , on one day my mother gives me papers with job openings. One job was interesting for me so i applied . It was one dealership of Volvo Cars looking for sales person . Two weeks later i got a call to be in their office for interview . Long story short , i got the job . 280 persons applied . I was happy .

In time i learned some skills and in mine 3rd year of working for them i have made 635 car sales ! Owner was more than happy ( not mainly for me but for percent that he got from Volvo that year ) , i was to , because i received award from Volvo Cars Corporation as best sales person in network and couple of thousands on my bank account. 

Few months later i got contacted from one lady in Volvo Cars HR . Mr.... are you willing to travel to our headquaters in Gothenburg for some interview,we will cover the costs... Whell ok i am , when to come bla bla . And i was in Gothenburg . I was thinking , what they want from me i'm just a sales person , to be honest i was promoted to branch manager . I have been working my ass of . 

I entered in the  building , where the big boys plays . Long story short , i got a job , again . Position was really good , pay was good , coworkers wonderfull. I was in touch with RD department and some great engineers .

As normal in life you meet and stay in touch with a lot of different people in our out of trade , my social life was full of different characters . I was constantly on trips to different countryes . And i was using services of rent-a-car for most of the time when abroad. Budget,Hertz,Sixt all day long. But i got started to be more and more frustrated with them . Always something broken in the cars , tires on end of life ,oil driping from engines... only thing you get normail is full tank. 

So i have started thinking. I can do this like them and better then them . If i provide better customer satisfaction i can do well in this .Plan was great i had some money at bank . 

And bang ... i quit my job. Just like that. 

I started to look for office on some nice place , i have prefered to be close to hotel. I found that. Papers of registration was in , tax app was in , business cards , memos , internet site all set up. I purchased two Skoda Fabia models for start. 

And i opened office .

First week zero , second week zero . Ok , i need to advertise some more . Flyers , dealerships , friends , family everything i can think off. I was out of office for minimum 3-4 hours that week . On friday i headed back to office and lady from hotel told me that some people was looking for me , oh shit my first customers and i was not there . Ok i need a employee.  I told everybody that i need someone in office . First girl entered to apply,20 minutes later she was at desk. 

Now i have time to sell . And what do you know ,first customer arrived . He took a car for a week. Good . Another one showed up. Two weeks . Goood. In next few months i have made some money. Pay tax , salary and some other operational costs . Ok , it is time to buy some more cars . I purchased two more .

Business started to grow , money was been good . On the full year of business i ended up with 9 cars and healthy ammount on bank account. As businees grows so does bank account. In two first years i was having 17 cars on parking and 3 employees . 

As my business grow i grew also. And so does the competition . I needed to expand some more . One day i was approached by one gentleman with proposal. So .. business is good ? Yea , sure is . Whell what do you think about investing in some esspresso coffee wholesale . What do you got for me ? I got 2-3 tons of coffe every month but no time , you know restaurants and clubs ovners so you can take over that part. Ok i say , but what it is for you in this. He sed nothing , i have heard good things about you so i got brand development in this , and i got 1 euro on kilo so enough for me . You will get 5 euros on each kilo of coffee so i think it will be really good for you too.

Rental business was doing good , so does coffe . I ended up on 10 tons of coffe in 6 month of distribution. In money that is 50.000 euros clean on every month. In second year just from coffee i earned 600.000 Eur after tax . Combined i have surpased 1.6 millions . 

I was doin fine , people are working , family happy , but i was not. I was to much involved in all of that so in one moment i did not have time to sleep . Whats the case here , i have money that i dont have time to spend , i have cars that i dont have time to drive , at least i have asses all day long . Girl on top of girl . Money attracts women like shit flyes .

In mean time i had involved myself in advertise . I buyed bilboards near main road and more money poured in. 

After some time i was unhappy again , no time for nothing , to much obligations to workers , partners , lawyers,book keepers ....

One day i have looked over financial books and all was fine , errbody happy. Time to sell. I wanted to use my time and my money to enjoy in life . I have worked to much. So i placed some proposals to competition . I wanna sell , but all togheter and i needed warant for my workers too. I needed to be sure that they will stay on they jobs after i leave.

After some time suits came in . We are interested . Ok . Place your offer and i will call you back. They left me a envelope . I opened when i was at home . 2.2 millions , wuuuhuuu. 

We aggreed on 2.35 . Cash. Hehe. Time lo live my life . I'm not greedy person i enjoy in life and good people , maybe i was in possition to ask for more but this is enough for me because i was havin different plans .

I invested some money in one security company and i have steady income every year . Enough for me and my family. I have bought nice house and some bikes back then . But the real happines is with people that you care for not in money. 

And all of this i have done before my 30 birthday.

There is more to it but i don't want to strangle you guys with in depht details . I hope that someone will read this and found something interesting. I'm not good in writing maybe there is more that i can write about this particular story but there is comment section , so ask me and i will respond .

Thanks for reading , bye for now 


What a lovely quirky tale!

Since english is not my native can you please tell me what "quirky" means ?

Quirky = having or characterized by peculiar or unexpected traits or aspects. Zany or Bohemian. Freakish, outlandish. I hope that helps you :-)

Thanks , so i'm weird . That helps haha

Stay weird - never go back!! - be like the @mindhunter ;)

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