Lasting Change Is Most Successful When You Focus On The Right Thing

in #life3 years ago

The art of lasting change is best achieved when you strategically focus on the next steps to take. Do not look at the bigger picture. Instead, break it down into bite sized goals that you accomplish each and every day. Stay committed to these. This will serve as the fuel that drives you to greater success.

Lasting change starts with a commitment to transform your thoughts, feelings, behaviors, and world around you. Lasting transformation is most successful when you are willing to step out in faith and ask for divine guidance. Let the answer to your prayers be heard by placing your trust in a source that has all of the answers. Ask this divine source to show you the deepest fear and it will reveal to you the courage needed to act boldly and transform your life.

Lasting change begins with real change and takes place slowly, step by step. You do not make lasting changes quickly or easily. They are more often than not a gradual process and involve a period of self examination as you discover the real you. Focus your mind, heart, and soul on this deep desire to transform your deepest fear and you will find yourself empowered.

To make lasting change starts with a commitment to get honest with yourself about your strengths and weaknesses. You must write down everything that you believe you need to grow and improve in areas of your life. You will find that there are always some small things you would like to change. Find out what it is that you can stay committed to and begin working toward having the real you.

You also must focus on the end result rather than the process. The old saying that nothing good comes from doing is so true. A process to achieve the goal is important but achieving the goal is even more important. You want the outcome to be in alignment with your desires. To get this result you have to stay focused.

The most powerful way to deal with your deepest fear is to face it head on, to face it and focus on how it makes you feel. Once you learn how it makes you feel then you can begin to work around it. You will find that the more you focus your mind, heart and soul on the fears the more powerful your inner work will be. It will become so powerful that the fear will fade into the background. Lasting change will then become a simple matter of staying focused.

When your deepest fear is something that you are afraid of then it is much easier for you to resist it. Your thoughts are filled with images of it and as a result your body will prepare itself to either fight it or flee. Focusing your attention on the fear will bring about a huge shift in your physical sensations. You will find that the more you focus your energy on the fear the stronger it will become.

The truth about your life purpose and your ultimate success in life is that there is no way that you can avoid all possibilities. There will always be an element of surprise and you will be expected to deal with the unexpected. The more you focus your energy on the element of surprise the less you will have to feel anxious about it. Focusing your energy and thoughts on the element of surprise is the most effective way to deal with fear.

If you want to have lasting change in your life then you will need to learn to let go of the past. You will also need to learn to welcome all forms of possibility. It is very easy to focus on the past and on the negativity of the past. This can create a sort of prison for your life, causing you to feel fearful and powerless.

By paying close attention you will begin to notice that you have a greater ability to find your life purpose and fulfill your life purpose. You will find that you start to notice positive changes in your life all the time. As a matter of fact, you will see these changes everywhere around you. This is the power of focus.

You must take full responsibility for your own life and find the way to live it in the way that you were designed to live it. If you cannot find a way to live this way then perhaps it is time to find a new focus. You need to learn how to let go of old beliefs that do not serve you and focus on finding a life purpose that does. Once you learn how to let go of old beliefs then you will be able to truly focus on lasting change.

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