DONT Live According To A Labels NLP

in #life3 years ago

Everyone's familiar with the song "Don't Live According to a Labels". In many ways, that song is spot on. We all make decisions based on what other people say or think. It's a major part of human interaction, isn't it? That's why it's so important to find someone who you can trust to represent your interests and needs in the most effective way.


Unfortunately, many people are choosing not to. Why is that? It's because they're not making the best decisions for themselves. They're not using their intellect or their own creativity when they're making decisions.

Think about how many times you've purchased an album or a CD that was rejected by one or more major labels. There are plenty of examples out there. I'm sure you've even bought an mp3 or a download from someone that you considered to be a major label. You probably didn't like the product that much or thought it was really worth your while. But when you finally get your hands on it, you'll realize that most people who are in the music industry don't necessarily live according to labels.

How can you possibly choose to live according to labels? You won't! If you truly understand the industry, you understand that the major labels and the major record labels are largely interested in promoting an album to meet the current market demands. While many people certainly would prefer to have more control over their careers, these are the kinds of issues that are dealt with on a case by case basis.

The reality is that if a person is making a successful living with their music - whether it's through radio television, or the internet - there's no reason for them not to sign with a label. Many people in the music industry to make a comfortable living and work at places like Def Jam or Diplo's label, but they wouldn't be where they are today if it weren't for the label. And you know what? It's okay if you do it because the label thinks that it will help you make more records. Just make sure you're getting your cut of the profits.

The reality is that a label is just that. A label is someone (or some people) who decides which albums to get played on popular radio stations at designated frequencies. They make all the decisions. The reality is that there are people who are talented and know how to market themselves properly on the radio and who should be signed to a label. These are the people who should be working with the record labels to make them rich.

As far as how people like you and me should act, that's our business. But labels, if they believe their product deserves exposure and promotion and they think that marketing dollars are available to them, will go out of their way to get that exposure for their artists and will go out of their way to make sure that their artists get signed to major distribution contracts. That's what they do. So, don't act like the rest of us don't matter.

But in terms of what radio stations should you play on to get the most exposure, that's another story. It really depends on the radio station, the listeners and the demographics of that particular radio station. I would suggest not playing on the radio stations that don't have a large following of your target audience. Also, don't play on radio stations that only play music that your audience doesn't care about.

For instance, if you're an artist and you have a song that is very popular, but not very well known by the general population, don't play on a radio station where 90% of the listening audience is female. Your song won't get played. It wouldn't be heard. But, if you play on a radio station where there are typically a lot of male listeners, you'll definitely play your piece. So, it's all based on the radio station.

As you probably know, radio stations are largely controlled by the executives at a label. So, what you should do when you get a release out, is to go directly to the head honcho at the radio station and let them know what you want. Make sure you're not interfering with their work in any way. Otherwise, they'll think you're trying to take advantage of the situation.

When you get your music played on a radio station, you need to remember to respect the staff of the radio station. Don't play your song without permission. Don't forget to read the release. If you've submitted it correctly, it should say something about not taking credit for the production of the song (it should say something like" rapper names or initials are used to promote this song"). Don't forget to thank the station for playing your song - and don't forget to ask them to put your name on the list of musicians who've released this song.

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