
Sounds like the only one whining is you. I'm just exposing @grumpycat. If I couldn't buy votes tomorrow, I'd be fine with that personally. That's not what this is about though.

You're not exposing anyone. @grumpycat is not hiding. Every flag incoimg or outgoing is a win-win. You don't seem to understand the game is all.

LOL. I think you're not the one getting it. Unless you are @grumpycat and you're actually inside that head, the actions don't line up with what you're saying.

  1. @grumpycat is attacking voting bots while using voting bots and claiming to be doing good while acting on selfish impulses. Exposing @grumpycat doesn't imply it's hiding in the first place. It's just taking what's out in the open and shining a light on it for those that aren't paying attention.
  2. Not every flag is a win-win. There's no data that supports hurting innocents helped anyone ever.
  3. It's not a game (it's really money)

You sure that I'm the one that doesn't understand?

1.) @grumpycat is sucking up the payouts of the vote bots he is using which keeps the shit buying posters at a loss

2.)Every flag @grumpycats gives or receives is a win. He is not flagging anyone not buying a vote

3.) It is not real money until you EARN it after 7 days waiting.

See, you do not understand

NO, you really are the one that doesn't understand. bullshit vote.PNG
Please, in your glorious wisdom, explain to me how self voting 163 dollars on a BULLSHIT COMMENT is a win for anyone but grumpycats pocketbook??

NO, you don't see what is going on. grumpycat is hiding behind "good intentions" to blind people like you from the fact that grumpycat, ieatrewards and rewardpoolrape are all circle jerking each other, self voting for ridiculous amounts, and monopolizing a system so that he is the only one that can take advantage of it. How is a comment like this good for the platform???bullshit vote.PNG This is not helpful to anyone but grumpycat getting fat and getting paid for behavior that is far worse than anything he is crying out against. If he actually looked to see if the content he downvoted was spam, that would be one thing, but he isn't. he is blindly downvoting people just because they used a specific bidbot, and then he is using those same bidbots to reward himself, on his posts that have little more "quality" to them than the ones he is flagging. Stop sucking grumpycats dick in the hopes of getting one of those massive upvotes. That's just as trashy as the behavior he is crying out against. Do a little research, instead of just blindly following what this jackass says, just because he has so much steempower.

I never said he was hiding behind good intentions. He is just fucking over the correct users who abuse the up-vote bots and cost every other person trying to get noticed their bids.

And yes he invites anyone and everyone to down-vote his post as well as he rubs it in your face he is scamming the scammers. The only people being affected here are scammers.

Unless you feel hundreds of dollars in up-vote bids isn't a fucking scam.

I do feel that the upvotes he gives himself is spam. It is one of the biggest scams on steemit right now. But I provide good content and a valuable service to steemit. I am not the only innocent account to be flagged by grumpy. He has stated himself, he is lazy, so rather than looking to see if what he is downvoting is spam or not, he is just blindly downvoting everyone who uses a bot he says not to. That doesn't help anyone. Blindly downvoting a good post just because they used the same advertising tool that grumpy uses himself? SOME of his flags are a good thing. In fact, a lot of his flags are. The problem is his selfvoting, and though it may not be many, flagging innocent accounts is uncalled for. I have expressed all of this in a couple of different posts. I think we may be advocating the same thing, just from different perspectives. I think there was a miscommunication somewhere. Please, take a look at THIS POST.

It seems @grumpycat has boosted your accounts payouts looking at your blog. Your largest payout to date is riding the @grumpycat bandwagon.

His self-voting is open to flagging.

His 6th day vote buying is just another slap in the face to the bid-bot scammers. Why don't they flag @grumpycat too? Because that would mean they would lose that circle jerk money they pass between their scammy accounts.

Nothing you have said makes sense, this IS DECENTRALIZATION AT IT'S FINEST!

One person imposing their will is not a dictatorship. That is one person making their voice heard with their pocket. To be a dictatorship it would have to be steemit or the witnesses making these changes not one guy spending his own money.

Your kidding me, right? How stupid are you? Where did I get a grumpycat Upvote? What kind of drugs are you on, buddy? I didn't get any upvote from him. You are misinformed. And you are calling my posts "shitposts"? Really? have you even looked at my blog? Clearly not, as you think that my upvote came from grumpy. I agree with you that what grumpy is doing is selfish. You are just trolling for the sake of being a dick and trying to start a fight. Grow up...