Daily Living #1: Negative Influencers

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Everyday is a decision

Everyday in life people go through a lot because they had followed through a course of life that was wrong, made wrong decisions and sometimes all these could be as a result of negative influence.

Who are negative influencers?

To have influence could be said to have an effect on the character, development or behavior of something or the effect in itself.oxford dictionary

When we refer to influence within politics or in high and mighty places, we could say:

It is the power to shape policy ensure favourable treatment from someone or for something especially when it relates to status, or possibly doing this through class, contacts or even wealth
theasarus web dictionary.

From our definition, an influencer could be more powerful than you are, they could be of same status, it could be someone you respect so much, right?

Let's talk about the Negativistic people, most people are very negated in life. That everywhere they go they carry negative viewpoints.

Here is it, for you to be negative, you must carry a view point that is basically opposite the norm.

What is a negative view point?
A negative viewpoint is simply encouraging or having an unhealthy outlook towards something,(got that right?).

So look around, are there people in your neighborhood that carries unhealthy outlook towards anything? It could be towards their wives, towards life, towards school, so many things.

The fact is; with these kind of people, they will tell you a million reasons why they justify their outlook to what ever thing they carry. Take note that you don't get caught in all their unhealthy theories of life.

So negative influencers simply put are people who have the power to shape, the capacity to have an effect (NEGATIVELY) on your way of life, your decision, the way you think and even the way you eat.

How We get Caught

Of course if we see some thing bad, none of us would run through it, would you?

Negative influencers are often tricky, very tricky that we don't know its happening to us. Its attack is never frontal but subtle. How?

Before we answer the question "how" We need to be aware of who can be a negative influencer.

Often times a negative influencer is someone we respect so much, because they have the power in our minds frame to tell us what we do. This category could be anyone we respect so much, maybe a teacher, a preacher, an elderly or senior citizen, our boss or a treasured friend.

They could also be from people we seem to love:
Our family members , your wife, husband, friend, or even a colleague.

They could also be people we meeting for the first. The fact is:
Anyone, anywhere could be a negative influencer.

Now comes the question, what if you are your own negative influencer?

This is the strongest of all, because no matter how a person is to you, no matter what, every action is conceived first in our minds, it is the picture frame of our life.

So, Let's get back to the question, How?

Could you please notice these short stories.

Ada was sitting on front of her house, she observed the calm in the skies, she already decided she would not go to any where this day then her best friend uju came with her boy friend, she persuaded (influenced) her to come with her after so many plea Ada considered it and then she ended up in the mortuary.

Ceje was an easy going man, he had decided to marry comfort, but his parents refused, they said he can't marry her and strongly influenced his decision to marry comfort, he later ended up marrying Joy, today they have no happiness in their marriage.

Jenny was a young lady who lived in London, she lived a life of boredom, with the internet and television. Most times she chats with people accross the world, she was started watching porn out of curiosity, and now she masturbates almost constantly.

In all these stories, did you notice how they where influenced? They were both respected people, sometimes it happens against our will or wish.

But with further talking to our minds, we are finally at peace with it, and when our minds make peace with it, we give in.

In Jenny's case, she was her influencer, she put in the necessary conditions to be influenced by pornography.

She would justify her self, with words like "am lonely" "its safe, I don't wanna get pregnant" etc.

Whenever we agree to do a thing, it is registered both consciously and subconsciously. It takes a lot of work to speak it out of our mind, to erase it, and put something else especially coming from some thing our minds never wanted.


Everything is registered to our consciousness

So if we succeed in erasing the mind off its set activity, then we begin to put other possibility, a picture is drawn and again we have another plot in mind.

Guard against these things

To avoid negative influencers we need to identity how they come and guard against them. What are they?

When it is against your will

Most times we come across people who wants us to.do things that we do not support, we do not want, or we don't believe in, before you give in, have a long look.

When they sound too exciting

Many things can make us happy, but bad things could also make us happy today and very sad tomorrow so be on the look out for such things.

The internet

The internet is a powerful means we can be affected negatively. Especially for our teens, it has a distorted view of life and so many things going wrong on the internet, if we are not careful we might want to get into an internet life style very untrue.


Adverts are actually made in deceit and the soul purpose is to influence you to think that what ever thing that is being advertised is the best, hence be watchful of the kinds of adverts you watch.


They are just humans like us, there is nothing really special except that we create such fantasies on our mind. Hence let's desists from such views and create ourselves as celebrities, for just like @surpassinggoogle everyone to me is a celebrity.

Gossip Stories, malicious lies and envy

These could influence us powerfully, when people tell us gossips about the next person, it could influence how e look at the person.

Watch your friends

Its not every friend you trust, so becareful whom you make friends with, be careful whom you trust.

How to Avoid Negative influencers

We don't need them, no!!! Don't even let them close to you. They talk you down with esteemed feelings for themselves like no one like them.

Sometimes they want you to do their bidding.

Negative influencer can be so harsh, so bad that they can make you regret for the rest of your life. So repel them out of your life.

So don't even let them in at all in the first place.

Learn to say no to negative people

When ever anyone start talking you down don't let them.

Repel gossips

Avoid the trap of loneliness.

Get busy with something, engage yourself.

Avoid negative thoughts as fast as you can.

Decide on what you want. When you want it and how you will get it.

Always get down on your knees and ask God for support, sometimes negative influence comes from supernatural means, in fact and thing that is not good is not of God, so always pray and ask him to assist you in all you do.

Always speak positively words to yourself, be the strongest positive influence of your life.

I am looking forward to a contest with this topic. However stay tuned for my next post for the contest.

I shall also look at positive influencers after my contest.


Oxford dictionary of current English 6th Edition


First picture(decision) by geralt

Second picture, Brain by opencipart-vectors

Third picture by Free photos

©All right reserved @iconnelly 2018

Authored by I.C Nelson

Yours truly loved



Negative influencers especially friends and celebrities must be avoided. Thank you for this.

Negative influence is an attitude that really needs to be addressed in our daily living cos it is said that (your attitude determines your uttitude).

Some people just don't know how to say "No" and this brings about their downfall. Negative influencers brings with them regret and sorrow. When we sight these points mentioned above we should always be ready to stand on our feet and say "No"

If onky we can stand our ground, some never do, tganks for veing here.

Always be positive in your thoughts.
Nice piece sir!

good point you have there fam, It's good to put our mind in a positive space.

Being positive has always been the key

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