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RE: Earthships & Self-sufficiency. Journey of discovery Part III: Super Adobe Architecture and beyond (ecoTrain)

in #life7 years ago

Wow, what an amazing journey. I feel as though I have so many kinds of orgs I'd love to connect you with. Other than studying a lot about sustainable development in grad school, I ended up working a bit with Engineers Without Borders. In Israel I met a guy who runs a permacukture and eco building program at Kibbutz Lotan in the south. I got to stay in one of their mud dwellings, and fell in love with the whole thing. Recognizing that idealism and imagination don't always square up with scientific facts is a good thing. Lots of people out there trying 'there own thing' without understanding the implications or even hazardous consequences. Anyway, looking forward to reading more from you.


Sorry I didn't give you any praise for this comment back when you wrote it. Means a lot that someone else also recognises that idealism and imagination don't always square up with science. I am all for the whole 'learning by doing, even if it's wrong', but there has to be a balanced approach. To be honest I'd say that I lay on the line in that respect. Sometimes I make foolish newbie mistakes and other times I am logical in approach.

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