Firing Back On Bullies.....

in #life7 years ago

Have you ever been the kid that always got picked on, simply because you were from another town, city, state, or country?
Or even just because you looked or acted different and didn't belong there?

Well I'm here to tell you that, as skinny as I was and as tough as I THOUGHT I was,, I used to be a bully, to an extent..

I was about 13 or 14, and there was this kid in my class that was quiet, shy and didn't say much to anyone.
One day I started to pick on him a little, saying cruel words to him and bossing him around. Not to mention, that this kid was twice, if not 3 times my size.

This went on for about a week and then, that dreadful day came...

I started yapping my gums at him, and he came out of his desk, grabbed me by the shirt with both hands, pushed me up against the wall, lifted me up off the floor.. I could see the fear in my eyes through his(well not his, but you get the picture).

Now it's his turn.. He started threating me and I was like holy crap, I'm fixing to get my A$$ handed to me..
Luckily, he didn't do anything, except let go of me and that was that.. Afterwards, I apologized to him and we became friends..

That was the last of my bullying days. But not the end of, taking up for those who got bullied..
It was a lesson well learned in life for me..

[Video Source]

In this video, the kid is legally blind...

Are you the kid, the innocent bystander, who is tired of seeing a certain kid getting picked on all the time?
Maybe it's time for you to step up for this kid and lend a helping hand...(Someone always needs help in life, no matter the age).

Some may say, "This isn't my fight, that's their problem" or "They need to take up for themselves and learn to fight".
Well some may have a disability and can't physically take up for themselves.. That's where you come in and take over!!!
If you're up for the challenge... Well not even a challenge, it's common decency(kindness, courtesy, respect.)

If you have already stood up to bullying, good for you.. Thank You...
We need more people like you in this world.

Bullying has gone to far, and it needs to STOP!!!

[Video Source]

I wonder, if the kid(Bully) in the 2nd clip at 1:34 would have had hit pants pulled up( to where they are supposed to be), could he have danced around or bobbed and weaved the oncoming punch that knocked the crap out of him? Nobody will never know!!
None the less, he had what was coming to him..
Maybe he learned his lesson,(like I did, except I didn't get hit). LOL

The 2 girls fighting in the locker room was just entertaining to me.
The girl in the pink pants didn't want to except humiliation in front of her homegirls.. She acted like she wanted to fight some more, but we all know she didn't.
She was wondering what was on her face after getting pelted several time... LOL..
It was probably the swelling starting to set in..

[Video Source]

I can't believe the guy was picking a fight with this older fella in video at 1:23. He needed to get K.O'd..

The guy at 1:38 just didn't know when to stop.
Talk about perseverance..

In video at 6:26, that could have easily been me on that dreadful day. Look at the size difference. But I think the kid, I was messing with was a little bigger, and plus we were not standing ready to fight..

Well Thanks For Viewing...

Hope You All Enjoy!!


hello friend I hope and you are good, very good post, if you can follow me

Sure. Thanks, I hope you are good also. Take care.

It's sad how many kids get bullied nowadays... It's always been there, but with the social standard out there it's just getting more and more! There are even many adults out there who just watch how a couple of kids bully one kid and they don't do anything! I think it's great that you realized what you did and that you two became friends :)

Hey, it was a wake up call for me.. I needed that.. Yeah, it's like the adults are afraid or something, that they may get beat up. I don't know what's going through their mind. Maybe one day they can have the courage to step in and do something.. Thanks for your response..

Wow! nice post icepack

Thanks for giving the news.

 I like your post very much. Keep it up. Stay blessed be happy.

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Thanks a lot. You stay blessed and happy as well..

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