The best & mature way on how to handle rumours being spread about you.

in #life7 years ago

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I've been wanting to write about this for a while now, and until a few days ago I would never have taken the time to express myself in the TCP streams regarding this topic, but the time has come to cement this onto the Blockchain.

Few days ago a certain individual I love very much and whom I have known for a long time spread vicious rumours about me to people I know and interact with on a daily basis. I'm not talking about your average white lie, I'm talking about rumours that damaged my character and yes, my future.

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Did it come with some sort of warning? No

Did it catch me off guard? Yes!

How did I respond? I didn't. I remained calm and in control. Hold on, you didn't respond with vengeance? No. Why not? Well, to be honest, what would that help the situation?

I've learned that in a situation like this, retaliation will only hurt you even more. Lower yourself to their level & you will pay the price. Trust me. Look I'm not saying don't stand up for yourself, but when you know the truth, you can remain calm and in control.

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Don't ever lose control because then they win. Then it's over. Defend yourself with the truth whenever rumours are told about you. Don't slandar the person's name who started the rumour, and if asked about the rumour keep your reply short & civil with the truth. It's that simple.

Rumours come and go, and yes, they hurt, especially when it's directed at your character. But the people who know you, who know the real you, will stand by you. And that's what matters. They will defend your integrity, your character.

For me that is worth a lot. But in my case a huge reason why I remained calm was because of my love for this person. I looked at the person, not the behaviour in that moment. This individual doesn't spread rumours, however in this particular situation the individual was out of control.

Long story short the person apologised to me and rectified the rumour by admitting they lied to the people who heard the rumours.

If you ever get attacked like I did, remain calm and in control. Start retaliating and your integrity will be questioned. Why get mad at lies when you know the truth? Get mad and people will wonder if maybe the rumour is true.

For me, I believe in always treating people with respect, no matter how they treat me.

Does that make me look weak? I don't care. It's how I was brought up and it's how I treat my fellow man, regardless of race or ethnicity.

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Seems like great advice.

A man's reputation is not something he is control of. People will think what they will.

A man's character is definitely in the domain of his control. You can control your own reaction and stay true to your own inner truth.

Wise words indeed Sir.

Thank you for the support.

Excellent advice.

Taking the middle road is often best in these situations because in the minds of others:

say nothing at all = shifty and guilty;
losing the plot and protesting too much = guilty.

Could not have said it better myself.
Thank you for your support!

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