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RE: Diamonds: The Reality, The Monopoly, And The Blood

in #life8 years ago

@lifeworship i'm curious, were you more interested in the diamond story or the aspect regarding the hidden power structure of the ruling elite? I happen to be pretty interested in the latter. (i'm actually interested in diamonds too haha, but i already knew this story).

it seems to confirm what i've been able to look into so far. i always seem to hit some common dead ends...the vatican and jesuits, the european royalty, and the elite global finance/banking families. so i'm thinking those three are more or less near the top of the pyramid, possibly with more levels above them. if i had to guess, i'd say vatican/jesuits -> european royalty -> banking families from more to less powerful. but yea, almost zero solid information on anything/anyone above those 3 groups, only rumors and theories.


i am interested in this podcast for both aspects and more. it helps me understand a wider breadth and deeper depth of what is meant by, full spectrum dominance.
the products are almost always tools to further the con. if there is actually a danger that more liberty will result, that cannot be redirected, the product is suppressed, most often by failing to promote it. from false education and trained conformity to consumerism to the mechanism of currency all are pieces of the same puzzle.

one of the pieces seems to be that, while there may be a single ruling group at the top, the chances we'll see where the real controls lead are small. this is why i've begun looking at dynamics and not this person or that. ultimately the control is in the dynamic. this is the fundamental understanding i gained from studying the con. if you can act, outside of the preset frame, then the dynamic of the con cannot hold you. the confidence game is in your mind, and the minds of others. as long as you understand it and understand how others will respond to it you need not be bound by it. though some creativity may be needed to maneuver in and around the herd. i have not yet hit upon an effective method of waking the herd. i don't know if it would be wise to do so if i had. the hidden power structure of the ruling elite, will be there as long as the herd stays asleep, or until someone replaces them. this too is part of the dynamic. lots of monkey experiments demonstrate this. if any type is removed others will migrate their roles to maintain the balance. catastrophic imbalances do occur. sometimes these imbalances lead to extinction. these are the majority, and over a long enough period of time, an inevitability.

i hope this made some sense and didn't seem to just avoid the subject. if i can explain further, please let me know. thanks for the comments and questions.

Yea, I money has probably been their most successful tool. That one disturbs me the most, the fact that almost everyone is willing to offer up about 1/3 of their life to chase their paper.

And your point about suppressing anything that could aid in liberating tax slaves is interesting...I think it allows you to deduce the extreme degree to which the internet will be (or already has been) weaponized against us. The internet's potential for spreading real knowledge/history is so pivotal that I think the fact that they allow it to continue signals its value to the system of control.

Actually, I think one of those purposes is evident here. A lot of what prevents me from being more vocal or more active in explicitly/publicly defying this system is the fear from knowing we're monitored (e.g. NSA, secret police, etc.). I think that's why the whole Snowden fiasco was made so public, to let the public know they're under surveillance.

But the way you're describing it, by focusing on the the dynamic, it seems like you're possibly considering that this apparent...movement/agenda? could actually be "headless"? Like just the natural outcome of human interactions. I suppose that's possible. Either way, you're right about not prioritizing the identification of the different actors...I'm just extremely curious :)

it, most definitely is NOT, about the Benjamins. i think Franklin would laugh himself silly over his face appearing on the quintessence of fiat.

the internet seems to be better used, to create more liberty, by people who weren't 4.0 students in slave school. this is not completely true, some people are still just irrepressibly intelligent.

i don't worry too much about being surveilled, past a certain point. there is only so paralyzed i'll allow myself to be. not very many people see the implicit message of the Snowden affair. i have to wonder if he's still getting a paycheck. it's similar to the torture. people who are paying attention know that torture doesn't work to extract information, yet it is still publicized on the news and TV shows as if it does. this tells us that the torture is not about information, but is about scaring us into submission. techniques have been known for decades, that can wash a brain, get anything that is there, out, then hang it out to dry. torture is about scaring slaves.

i don't think the control structure is necessarily headless, but if there is a head, i don't think it is as important as it may think it is.

identifying the heads, can be useful in navigating the herd, but i think the idea of cutting the head from the snake is not an apt metaphor, unless it is a snake with heads lined up like sharks teeth, with always another one waiting to come out when the lead one is lost.

it is part of our make up to want to know who is in the top spot. this serves many purposes. it can be used to learn how to be more successful ourselves, stay out of the way of those dangerous to us, or to simply entertain us, just like the lead candidate for president being a reality TV personality, among other things. watching the top spot, i think is at the level of our wetware.
there was a monkey experiment, where monkeys could trade treats of food or juice for other things they wanted. the monkeys ended up, willing to trade food, which is actual survival, for photographs of the alpha monkey or for photographs of the hindquarters of the more nubile monkeys in the group. so, the equivalent of people magazine, politics and porn.

yea, well I'm pretty sure Jackson would rise from the dead to shit himself if he knew he was on the $20. at least he's coming off it soon.

and yea, the whole allowing us to use the internet freely could be a calculated risk. i can see how they'd think that it wouldn't matter, given the decades of dumbing down. fortunately there are some smart/dedicated people on the other side too.

these scare tactics totally work. even when i'm aware of them, they STILL work. i think you'd need to have extremely good control of your emotions to be impervious to them.

and i thought i had heard all the monkey studies...this one was hilarious and face-palming at the same time. we seriously strike such a perfect balance between "more than just an animal" and "nope, just animals".

anyway, it looks like fiat is almost dead. the only thing keeping it alive seems to be the public fear of lost moorings.

even if the entire internet were globally EMPed the people in control have already lost, whether they know it or not. there are still some things i don't talk about out loud, or on the NETS. there is no way back for the controllers. if they try to stop it now, only extinction can stop us from having our liberty, and that will mean that the controllers will go too.
they have failed to take into account unpredictability of genius and emergent behavior.

the predators are more scared of you than you are of them. that is why they are compelled to control. i grew up in a cult. i can't be scared by them in their pathetic attempts at maintaining their power. i see them for what they are. this is not to say that i am free of fear. a very wise man once told me, "only a fool is never afraid." some fear is healthy. it is for us to figure out which fear that is.

the monkey studies are legion and endlessly informative and hilarious. i think monkey porn is the funniest one i've run across.

looks like comments are always locked after 5 replies?

hopefully the death of fiat happens sooner rather than some ways i'm looking forward to it.

and that's good to hear about your situation. my cousin's family (their father was a self-proclaimed "guru") was in the same situation and they escaped about a year ago. and "escape" is not an exaggeration--you might already know--some of these kind of groups will not shy away from violence when things go bad. they're still dealing with it unfortunately, but there's really no other acceptable alternative.

i really have no idea where humanity is positioned on the map to a full-blown, big-brother, brave new world. but i think this election cycle might reveal enough to figure it out.

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