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RE: I Just Want to Cut You with My Chainsaw

in #life6 years ago

Just remember - most 4 year olds are evil, especially when dressed as flowers.

I've long since discovered the cure to anger issues, and it's not anger management classes, it's cutting out the heart of the fellow who dares to upset you and eating it. Delicious & healthy.

Oh, by the way, would you like to come over for dinner tonight? We're serving meat. Mystery Meat


I know the flower getup is just a distraction. There's bees in there. They sting.

Is the heart still beating during one of these heart attacks you speak of?

Heart attacks? You refer to my eating of the hearts of those fiends, I presume?

Are you trying to reference The Tell Tale Heart? No, I have no conscience, so I do not hear the tattoo of that ever beating heart. I shall not be caught, I shall not confess!

Oh wait... I just did. Oops.

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