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RE: New Year’s Resolution Of a Spiritual Junkie

in #life6 years ago

Ah thanks for explaining. I misunderstood you. I lived for as long time in Byron Bay and I saw the worst side of would-be gurus and yoginis. I have no answers, but being able to laugh at yourself and gratitude keep me grounded. Osho had a great sense of humour and avoided the ascetic trap. I look forward to reading your work.


Ya bro I hear you. There's a whole book about the traps of the spiritual quest from Chongyam Trungpa called "Cutting through spiritual materialism". It really cuts deep into the subject of spirituality, which is supposed to dissolve what I call "Personhood" (Identification with self-created idea of who you are), but in many cases it serves the opposite- boosts the ego of so called "spiritual people" (I am more than you, I understand what you don't etc.). That's why I started talking about the labels right off the bat. Thanks for your comment, I love people who take time to read! All the best!

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