When You Have It All Planned Out & It Still Goes Wrong

in #life6 years ago (edited)

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How Prepared Can You Be?

I had spent the weekend preparing for the 4,500 Steem Power Live Drawing that took place recently. Not only that but prior to actually going live I prepared hours in advance just to make sure I had everything lined up. Well... something still went wrong after all that preparation. Honestly I was super mad about how things kinda blew up in my face at first, but then I realized the nature of this world. Nothing is perfect. So I got over it to deliver this message to you. 

Listen. I am a huge proponent of preparing and putting yourself in position to take advantage of opportunities that are presented. But the truth of the matter is that things will not always go how you planned. We all have experienced this before. What I would say to you in regards to this is to keep preparing in spite of things breaking down and don't neglect putting yourself in great position to benefit from opportunities that come your way. You can prepare, prepare, prepare and those plans can fail, fail, fail. It sucks, I know. But we can even learn from those moments when our "perfect" plans don't work out. Much love. 

What are some benefits of planning things?

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Your delegation truly helped me a lot! So now I am aligning everything and yeah, I decided to keep high priority on you bro! We all the not 100% perfect! But we can do our best! I saw you are doing your best and it earned you a lot in this community and in real life as well!


I'm glad to see everyone who received delegation say how it's going for them. I've heard great things so far.

What we want from life?

  • Success
  • Money
  • Happiness

These three important things in life can be achieved with proper planning. Without planning they may come but will not stay. If you want to live a happy and peaceful life then plan in advance.

Planning is just another way to be aware of what you want.

Listen. I am a huge proponent of preparing and putting yourself in position to take advantage of opportunities that are presented. But the truth of the matter is that things will not always go how you planned. We all have experienced this before. What I would say to you in regards to this is to keep preparing in spite of things breaking down and don't neglect putting yourself in great position to benefit from opportunities that come your way. You can prepare, prepare, prepare and those plans can fail, fail, fail. It sucks, I know. But we can even learn from those moments when our "perfect" plans don't work out. Much love.

This is motivational, this is really motivational I must say. Thanks for this wise words. You’re much appreciated. Plans can fail and only if the planner don’t fail to plan then the plan will definitely work out someday . Hard work and persistence brother

I had to remind myself of this too.

I work on the same principle. That is, I am used to giving a lot of time for what would be prepared. And what's that? It often happened that my prepared plans did not work. That is, everything went differently than I planned. I realized that it is necessary to develop the quality of "improvisation". Our life is not ideal and therefore at any time our plans can be destroyed under the influence of circumstances. It is important to understand that this is a normal phenomenon.

What can we do when our plans crumble? The main thing is to accept the situation. This saves a lot of time. If we look back and feel a sense of anger or regret, this will only exacerbate the situation. Took the situation and continued to act! The world is not perfect, but we are a part of it. Mistakes make us stronger.

Another thing to do is see what you can learn from the experience. Sometimes we don;t do a good job of planning and that may be the cause of things not going the we envision them in our minds.

@humanearl, Actually peoples have mistakes. Can be wrong with some thing. Everyone are nothing perfect. Planning will be help for save golden time and achieve our retrospectives suitable time.

That I agree upon brother.

There were many times when this kind of situation happened with me . Sometimes just planning things just won't work out. While we just have to go on and for that case we should not stop planning. Just have to be prepared for anything might take place despite our planning :)

Right. It's better to be prepared than not but just know that it still may not go according to plans.

So true Earl, it's like an egg plant just depends how you cook it..
I'm going to love that camera in Vegas!!
Just remember dear brother; the more great vids you make the faster you will get there :)
GB my good friend.
#smtfloridacommunity #smtcommunity #thewalkingblockchain #steempowerment

Bro I can't wait to use 360 in Vegas. I've been thinking of that since I first got it. It's hard to keep pumping out "great" content everyday. It wears on you.

the best benefit is you are already prepared for the worst and you can immediately take your next step when needed ;)

Exactly. I'd rather be prepared than not.

That's life, things rarely go as planned. I know that perfection is and will always be unattainable, but planning helps achieve something quite close to perfection

I used to be so much of a perfectionist when it came to creating music. Then I realized that sometimes things just don;t end up turning out how you planned. But still we should push to make it happen though.

Definitely right I have experienced this so many times in my life it’s crazy. But I will not give up. I’m a good planner but poor at execution haha

One things that helps to get better at executing is to set action steps. These are basically objectives to help you carry out your plan. Completing these action steps builds discpline over time.

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