A Broken World Full Of Gifts

in #life7 years ago (edited)

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I Chose To Not Be Miserable

You feel stuck and you don't know what to do with your life. You feel like a failure. One idea after another blows up in your face. Maybe you jump from job to job to try to find yourself. This is all too common. It's something we all can relate to in some way or another. But if this is you then there's tons to be hopeful for.


First off, finding what it is you really want to do is simple but not easy for everyone. I say it's simple because I believe it stares us right in the face. Normally when we hear the words "passion" and "purpose" they can be intimidating ideas to try to unwrap. As I have stated a million times before, it is simply about moving in the direction of your energy and allowing your internal compass to help guide you into your path.

   Now doing this is a another story because once you really focus in on the things you are interested in the most, you then have to take action in order to pursue it on a much deeper level. This is hard for many people because mental, physical, and financial barriers may exist. Unless you are physically incapable of doing what you really want to do then there is nothing stopping you except your mind. 

   We make up many reasons or excuses to not pursue meaningful and joy filled work. I do however understand that life is very nuanced from person to person so I don't want to make light of that.  You have to ask yourself a serious question though. Will you regret not walking your path and really living to your fullest potential? When I got out of college I answered that question within my own heart. Yes I would regret it. That was the conclusion I came to then and it is why I do what I do now.

   Just imagine if there was no HumanEarl on Steemit. Imagine if I chose to play it safe and stay in a miserable job. Imagine all the connections I would not have made. Imagine If I had conformed to society's way. Simply put I would be doing something else that I honestly believe would be nowhere near as fun as what I get to wake up and do every day. I am here for a purpose. I am on a mission. This mission and purpose drives me. It forces me to push myself beyond my mental and physical barriers. But it all started with first paying attention to the things that really lit a fire under me.

Tips to find your path:

  • Pay close attention to what you get excited about most
  • Pay close attention to the things that make you feel miserable when you do them
  • Experiment and try new things that you have never done before
  • Talk with friends and ask them what they think you are gifted/talented at doing
  • Pray and get in touch with the One who created you if this is your kind of thing

This is what I want for you. I hope you want the same for yourself. This broken world does not need more people sitting idle with their gifts. This broken world does not need more darkness. This world does not need more superficiality and falsehoods cloaked in truth. Times are changing. The fire rises. Find your path. Walk it with love. Walk it with peace. Walk it with integrity. Most importantly, walk it with purpose. Peace and love to the world.

What do you think you are gifted or talented at doing?

Are you pursuing the things that really excite you?

What would the world be like if we all did work we hated?

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Unless you are physically incapable of doing what you really want to do then there is nothing stopping you except your mind.

There is an evil called inferiority complex. There is another one called laziness and there is yet another one called procrastination. These evils live in the mind of man. To be victorious and to be relevant in life, you must subdue these evils. It is normal for them to want to counter our aspirations, dreams or even our efforts towards great achievements, but they must've silenced.

We even know of people who have one incapability, especially in physical defects, but have overcome the limitation of such in capabilities.

No matter how far your folks or your mates that gone in life, it is never late for you to start. Take the first step and do not compromise.

Will you regret not walking your path and really living to your fullest potential?

Every man at a point in life will experience this regret if he refuses to take necessary steps at the right time. Such people, instead of accepting their own faults and failures, transfer the blame on others - the government, the economy, and so on. They will claim others that are more successful are fraudsters or that they cut corners to achieve success.

Regret is not a good thing. It could lead to a life of perpetual depression.

I heard of pople who powered down their SP sometime ago when they was some challenge on the steemit web. They later hated themselves for that step. I heard of steemit but refused until after 5 months. I'm glad that I took the step when I did, but I still wish I joined when I first learnt about it.

Take a bold step today. Make hay while the sun shines.

I just can't understand why people would rather live with regrets than follow through with what they wanna do.

Wow. This is awesome. Thanks.
When pursuing your life goals, certain external obstacles may exist that prevent a person from attaining their dreams. These obstacles may include not having sufficient resources, dealing with a family career rejection which i know you went through @humanearl or struggling with an illness. However, there are times when it is people, themselves, who are limitations to their own success. Sometimes pursuing a dream requires a person to move out of their way.
I believe the strongest obstacle to a person pursuing their dreams is their lack of belief that their dreams are possible. There are many people who have never pursued anything big, simply because they didnt believe.
I remember having a fear of success, what i mean by that is that i actually had a fear of change and being moved out of my comfort zone. That really limited me for a while. But all thanks to God that i got encouragement from people close to me.
I really wish i joined steemit then, atleast i would have read some of your encouraging posts @humanearl, here on steemit and that would have changed my life quicker and better because here on steemit you make interaction very feasible. So we would have rubbed minds together, but its good that your post encourage me. Thanks @humanearl

Yes George your right,comfort zones,fear and getting your own self out of the way of your success.
Well said!

Thank. You so much.
No one likes to move beyond his or her comfort zone, but that’s really where the magic happens. It’s where you can grow, learn, and develop in a way that expands your horizon beyond your wildest dream.

Living life uncomfortably is the only way to live. It’s being uncomfortable that makes you better. It’s being uncomfortable that reminds you you’re not where you want to be. It’s your road map for finding the finish line.

Everything remarkable happens beyond the safe zone. By pushing yourself into new areas you will have a chance to authentically define who you are, and break free of the limitations of what others think you should be.

@georgechuks That's powerful. "Sometimes pursuing a dream requires a person to move out of their way."
Indeed man.

So many gems here. People need the proper motivation. We all have potential in us. It's like mineral deep within the earth. It needs to be dug out and put to use to benefit the world.

You have so much wisdom.

Thanks so much @humanearl.
I also agree with you

What do you think you are gifted or talented at doing?

Well my gift is what I wouldn't say I am most proud of. Coz it looks and sounds somehow. Owk I am not a creative person, I don't seem to have a creative mind. I am good at upgrading what others have started and making it much better than what they have done. Dunno how good of a talent that is but that's me and it has always helped me rise above and do better than my peers .

Are you pursuing the things that really excite you?

I think steeming is the only thing I do for now that I am really excited about. Something I do for fun. Every other thing has to be done for the money.

What would the world be like if we all did work we hated?

Wow...it would have just been a messed up place man. A place filled with angry and occupationally unsatisfied individuals .

@sistem We all have creativity in one way or another. The difference is I think is that some choose to hone and develop this creativity and some don't.

It wasn't until I just followed my gift that it seemed doors opened and the opportunities came for me to use it.

Exactly to my last question. I don't understand then why people actually encourage others to do miserable work. If everyone did that our societies would be miserable and highly depressed. This is why I choose to do work I enjoy instead.

Very inspiring words @humanearl. Many of the things you said hit the nail on the head. It takes the same amount of energy creating our own roadblocks and excuses than just taking action and just seeing any failures as just lessons to learn from, it’s what I always think...

”There is no such thing as failure, only learning.”

For the most part we try to do what we think we’re supposed to do and no so much what truly inspires us.

Man you said it best. Why waste time making excuses. I've seen this over and over. Also people complain about not being in a good place in life but they won't lift a finger to change it.

Yes, it’s a sad reality for many. I used to be there, but it’s until I did something that things started to change. It’s just like water 💦 When it is stagnant, not much happens, in fact, fish cannot survive in it. When it is agitated and oxygenated it gives life and makes plants grow and fish thrive. I think we need to be aware of who and what we are, and we are “energy” to begin with, it can transcend time, space and thought manifested in physical form.

Thanks @humanearl for sharing this post with all of us.

 A Broken World Full Of Gifts

That's exactly what happens with me when i see any failures around in my work or life .... the ideas keep punching me to try out different things out and personally i can't sleep until i get things sorted out or get back on track.The hope is there for sure which will remain and its good.

 First off, finding what it is you really want to do is simple but not easy for everyone. 

Solid statement !! Rightly said its easy but hard to execute something everyone plan for but can't achieve as it take hard work and dedication around to go on and on.

On the ending note I would like to say a big thanks to you man for sharing those Tips to find your path ...i personally find it very valuable  

Thanks a lot again for sharing this

Have a great day ahead.


Thanks for always giving great comments

What do you think you are gifted or talented at doing?

I can not talk about it for sure. But I really try, and this is important. Because the degree of talent can be determined only by the surrounding people. Definitely, self-esteem is important for any person. Badly if self-esteem is highly overstated and bad if it is greatly understated. Therefore, it is worth keeping balance.
In psychiatric hospitals there are many people who consider themselves great people - but that does not make them so :)

Are you pursuing the things that really excite you?

I strive for my goals and I believe that everyone should do this. A person must have a goal and must go to her. On your way there will always be people who will say that you can not get ... sometimes it happens that a person who does not believe in you is yourself. It's bad but fixable. It's never too late to pull yourself together and go to the goal.

What would the world be like if we all did work we hated?

If every man worked on his hatred, the world would get rid of wars. People hate each other and this is a fact. Many people are hypocritical. There are very few really good people. Envy is the main thing that creates hatred. Some people, instead of starting to work on themselves, begin to hate those who are more successful than them. It is not right. While the situation in the world globally does not change, people will not cease to hate each other. If we want to change something, we must start with ourselves.

I love everything you said. Especially the part about working on ourselves first in order to make change in the world.

It is really a thought provoking blog. You have touch a very important issue with many are try to cope with. Many are finding answers to the question of what to do with their life and what to do in their life.

One should try to develop a niche and then pursue it with passion and perseverance. Nothing is unreachable, only one has to believe and try with sincere efforts. And what we don't get may be for our own benefit because the Creator knows better than ourselves that what is better for us.

The person who finds his real purpose of life is really a human being.

Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom--- Aristotle

I thank you for this inspiring and motivational blog.

There's so much power in believing in yourself. It helps when no one else is there to believe in you. Living my purpose means so much because it is truly life giving to live this way. Thanks for understanding.

I agree believing in ourselves is the best thing as human we can have. Your belief in yourself is not only helping you but shining as light for so many others souls as well. Thank you for your kind reply.

@humanearl, Absolutely best encouraging post sharing to followers. I know most of your followers like to be success with your encouragement like as me.Yep... I found what's I really want to do those days. I followed steps of my life goal when iI created. I did my best and after 02 month I understood It was tough task to do. I leaved from my goal. I couldn't control my mind.
After pass ago 03 months I mixed with nature and I could meditation there using my religious steps. I could have control my breath timing. My thoughts controlled by my mind. Thereafter I've read and listen positive thinking books and speechs. With meditation and positive thinking could found my success way. I have some of stress control steps. I kept long-term and short-term life goals with steps and times. Now I got lot of short term goals lot; short-term gaols most important to fill long term goals.
You can’t ever find yourself again if you don’t trust both yourself and the process of knowing yourself. At some point in life, all of us will lose touch with ourselves in some manner. The key to finding ourselves once again, however, is to believe in ourselves and know that we have everything we need in order to thrive. If you turn your back on yourself and the faith you have in your abilities, where else will you turn? The most important relationship you have in life is the one with yourself, because you can’t ever run away from you. So, learning how to trust your inner voice and intuition will go a long way in finding yourself once again. Thank you for encourage every time via steemit.
Stay Blessed.

Being positive and taking care of your health actually changes your brain for the better. Finding yourself is definitely key. Thanks for such a great comment.

I can t evaluate if i am gifted , talented or not but i think that i am a successful person..In my opinion the clearest sign of highly gifted people are results. They tend to do very well in academic achievement and are producers in the work environment. A highly gifted friend of mine works in computer science. He has worked on the avionics of American fighter planes making them more deadly and survivable. He significantly improved the computerization of a major common carrier of overnight package delivery. The list goes on with this person. I do not know what his IQ is but I would guess he is in the 4th standard deviation above the mean. A physician can be intelligent and does a great job for his patients. A highly gifted physician may make medical breakthroughs in how to treat patients.

As long as you are happy, have energy, and doing what you love, that's success in my eyes.

Yea I think so too. It seems gifted people have a greatness about what they do.

Bro what you talked here, what you discuss here is made me rethink about a best example! And I found out it was you! I know how hard you made the success after a series of failures and the risk you took by not having a job. But you are making the progress and I know you are reaching your goal day by day! With or without STEEMIT you will make it! With STEEMIT, yeah it's easy and I also thinking about leaving my job! Probably in next year I will do and be a full time steemian!
"Tips to find your path"
This is very useful thing! Congratz for the success you made and I know how hard you made it! No one can stop you bro! You found the right path and you are willing to share that success story with all of us! That's the most important thing I could find from your blog!


Only I can stop me and I don't plan on letting that happen. I love your words. I hope you too can do more work on Steemit and live from it.

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