Dark Places...Heavy Places...Low Places...Cold Places

in #life7 years ago

                    For the longest time I couldn't find myself

                    Burnt like a candle, life was empty

                    Motivation and positivity were filthy words to me

                    Yahweh felt as distant from me as the edge of the universe

                    Dark places...heavy places...low places...cold places

                    Only now the tunnel seems to become dimly lit

                                                                  But...Where am I?


@humanearl, you bring up some great points. Burnout is very real. I'm glad it sounds like you're learning to take care of yourself better. It's something I think many of us could work on.

Your daughter is beautiful! Looks like you two had a nice stroll in some excellent weather.

At first I was very passive in my recovery process but now I'm alot more active in it. It's a slow road. I'm thankful for your words.

She is beautiful! Also, good for you to put this out there.

She loves being outside just staring at the trees. It's been a good thing for both of us.

Glad you can spend that time together!

Bringing that wisdom :)

Now if only my beard was gray. Ha. Thanks

Absolutly right man, to much stress is poison! Do recover and new power will be generated and you mind will sort that shit out you dont need.

I wish you and your family all the best! You are a shining person man

The poison is mental and physical. My health is a major priority right now. And man that means alot.

I know this exctly. Have much stress right now from all sides, my body just feels cold since that.
Hopefully i can manage to take a breake soon :s

This is an exercise that I am going to start doing starting today. I've heard that it releases a lot of tension in the body. I know it looks crazy but take a watch.

This looks like it really can release the tension. I tryed onece someting similar for a while and it worked good for me.

Thx for sharing this i will try this later when im home!

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