What We Think We Deserve VS. What We Really Deserve

in #life6 years ago (edited)

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We All Should Be Well Off But...

Sorry to break the news to you but we deserve nothing. People have told me over and over I deserve this and I deserve that. But truth is that many people around the world are working their butts off and they may still be in the worse conditions a human being can be subjected to. So if we say our hard work should be rewarded handsomely in the form of whatever we deem to be of value then those people I just mentioned should be given the world. But they're not. My hope with this message is to spark you to look at what you have with a new perspective. Let's shift paradigms for a second and I'll explain in the video.

While our hard work is a good thing we should be humbled by the fact that we have anything at all. I get it. Many of us take pride in our work. But don't think you are the only one working day and night to "make" it. I say this with love and we all should be able to look at our lives in a much more appreciative manner. This is something I try to contemplate alot. It keeps me not only working hard but understanding that what I have is merely a gift even if I have used my time to slave away at something. Much love and peace.

Do we deserve anything?

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What I believe is we all deserved a happy life! We all must work on it! I see you are working on it and I think I am too!


Your dtube just awesome , thank you . Keep good work every time .

Your post is always different i follow your blog everytime , your post is so helpful . I always inspire of your post on my steem work . Thank you for sharing @humanearl

People dream of getting things easy , Its not that easy , is it ?

I think this entitlement mentality has caused lots of people to see things clearly. I wrote a post some months stating that in life you are entitle to nothing. If you want something, go for it but it doesn't mean you will get it, it only means you might get it. The earlier that people begin to look beyond the entitlement mentality, the easier for them to see life as it is.

This is sublime

We can deserve only thing what we are doing .
If we are doing bad acts then we deserve bad result .

Finally had the time to come and watch one of your videos!

The only thing we deserve is death, well what if we could live forever? Wouldn't you like to live forever? No death, nothing... maybe you could do a video about this, i would love to hear your opinion, ofc you would live forever but your kid, your wife, etc... would live forever too!

Regarding the we don't deserve anything, well, i agree and disagree at the same time, it really depends, if we are slaving away in one job and not getting paid what we deserve and actually consuming our own health on that job then we should move, because we deseve more than that, we owe it to ourselves!

The problem with third world countries is the corruption in their government, the exploit of their bad economy by big companies, and also developed countries, we, as developed countries should be helping them, we need to stop having this country mentally and start having a world mentality, we need to start looking at the world as one giant country, instead of many countries, hopefully with the internet and the easy traveling between countries we will start seeing the world as one!

All in all, people on steemit that think they "deserve" bigger upvotes for their content are wrong... if they aren't getting bigger upvotes is because they are doing something wrong! This is a blogging platform but also a social network platform, and most people forget to socialize, that's the problem! Socializing is very important on steemit!

There are people who work a lot and do not get what they deserve. But there is a reverse situation. It all depends on the specific working conditions and the person in charge. I would give an example of the rule of Paretto. This rule can be attributed to many areas of life. It says - 20% of efforts give - 80% of the result. And the remaining 80% of efforts give the remaining 20% of the result.

I liked your reasoning.

@humanearl, That would be great explaining Dtube video creations. We all currently need to working very hard. Also need to get good result. If not our life going to be drop down. Tired currently not accepting me. need to get some freedom. Without freedom how will we find happiness, love indeed feelings. So sometimes being tired but result will get future.

Well yes buddy , there are people out there who are having hard times despite their hard work and effort. While like some said "The things you have, some people just dreams about that ".

I agree that everything is a gift from God. Your post had me thinking about ”deserving.” Merriam-Webster defines deserve as “to be worthy of: merit.” The expectation of deserving something is detrimental to us; in that we are seeking outside validation as to our worth. We can only control what we think or feel and not how others respond to us or our actions. I am satisfied when, I do an excellent job, whether others recognize it or not. My self-worth is internal and is not dependent on external recognition.

Second the word itself is funny. It is de-serve. In this case de isn’t a prefix. However, if it was a prefix, Merriam-Webster’s top three definitions are:

1a : do the opposite of
• deactivate
b : reverse of
• de-emphasis
2a : remove (a specified thing) from
• delouse
b : remove from (a specified thing)
• dethrone
3: reduce
• devalue

This is the exact opposite of what I personally believe I’m one Earth to do- serve others.

Just some something to consider.

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