Robbed & Distracted By The World System

in #life7 years ago (edited)

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Idle Power Is Useless Power

It's not because we can't be great. It's not because we don't have tons of potential as human beings. No. It's much simpler and obvious than that. All of us are being distracted. Our attention has been diverted to all kinds of brain warping things. "Someone has been killed today". "North Korea has just launched a test missile". "Today Apple is releasing the iphone 2000". I could go on and on. Our world has been hijacked by that which is superficial and destructive. We are all inevitably on a course towards the implosion of humanity itself.

This is why you should care at this moment in time. You were given powerful abilities. Gifts. These gifts were given to humanity in order to ward off the encroaching evil and fight for a much higher cause than many of us are not aware of. The reality is that many of us choose to not use them. It's either from not knowing what our gift is or being too weighed down with the concerns of this world to even care. 

The power to influence others and change the world for the better is within all of us. But we've become distracted by all the shiny new objects and cush living that is constantly being forced down our throats by those who could probably care less about our lives. We have to choose to lead powerful and meaningful lives and we have the power to do so. 

Here is how we are being distracted from using our gifts/talents:

  • Evil beings know that we are a threat to to their power if we were to use what God gave us so we are targets to further their evil agenda
  • We are drunk off of comfort and convenience 
  • We choose to live in fear
  • We have bought into the lie that living life with purpose and meaning doesn't matter
  • We've been brainwashed into being cogs in a machine
  • We are being bombarded with manipulative ads and terrifying news
  • Many of us are told to give up on the things we love doing

For a long time I searched for who I was. I also searched for how I could empower others and live a powerful life. So what I did was looked within and payed attention to what God was trying to get me to see. He placed within me the ability to motivate and encourage people beyond human comprehension. At this point I have committed my life to living in power. 

My heart goes out to people who feel stuck in life. I hurt for people who feel like they have no other options but to live a life of drudgery for whatever reasons. When I look around I see how we are constantly being robbed of living powerful and meaningful lives. More than anything it motivates me to help others understand their identity and how to use the powerful abilities God gave them. It is up to us now. We can choose to remain powerless against the forces that work against us or we can live in power and victory. I pray you choose the latter and find what it is God created you to do. Do that and you live with unshakeable power. Shalom.

How else are we being robbed or distracted from living powerful lives?

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Never let anybody steal your happiness. Never let anybody try and take away your satisfaction with your life and your enjoyment of it. Nobody actually has the power to kill our joy and creativity and stamp out our goodness unless we let them.
Nothing has power over you unless you allow it. No matter what happens, you can choose what and how to think, act, and speak!
Never let anyone or anything rob your peace.
Remember, you are in charge of your happiness, you and only YOU no one else.
Always be strong and powerful.

Wise and powerful words. Protect you energy. This fires me up.

Yeah bro, gods talents some people are using to wrong things! Some great findings were found by hat talent, but they were not good for man kind! So, what you discuss here is very useful to all of us!


I'm just glad I can discuss different topics with yall and yall share yall's honest opinions. My goal is just to bring some sort of inspiration.

I completely agree.
Information debris is the main reason that people become rotten. Now in all sources of information there is an endless stream of unnecessary information. Our brains deliberately "feed" such information. It is beneficial for them that we see and read what they want.

From the outside it looks like a swamp. Having come to YouTube - many people forget why they came. They see a lot of interesting and colorful commercials and lose time and psychological energy absorbing them. Shocking news, manipulative statements are designed to capture our attention. They are created for the purpose of total control of the human mind.

You show other countries and the fact that they are all very bad. You start to rejoice that you are far from those events. But because of this you do not notice what is happening in your country. In your city. This is a great way of distraction.
This is the "black mirror" of modern digital technologies. Control.
The only way to resist that I see is self-control and self-awareness. To deal with the problem - you must realize that it exists. After realizing the problem, you will understand what is really important and what is not.

I saw similar films and read about comparing views on the future: Aldous Huxley vs. George Orwell. I also read some fragments from the novel 1984. Now I must see this film, 1984.


I just wonder will there ever be an end to the increase in information. We are being flooded more and more with info. We can only take in so much and learn so much at a time.

Black mirror is one of my favorite shows. The stuff it talks about is so spot on and just think about what all this will become in the future.

Have you ever seen the movie 1984?

True words, mate im happy to see you following your god given gift!

Its good to try out new things but like you said, it makes no sense to waste your gift by trying to be someone else, or working for years in a job that makes you unhappy.
It is worth to fight for things you love even it can get very difficult sometimes.

Stay Creative ;)

Seeing you be so creative always inspires me. I love being around people who are being highly creative and using their talents.

I am so blessed by this post. It is loaded. Thanks @humanearl.
One other common way we are being distracted from living powerful lives is when we concentrate on the profit / benefits attached to doing that thing we are meant to do compared to what others do.
Often times, we see people putting in much less effort than we do and they still get huge benefits. We tend to be bothered, and distracted, as many people see everything as business deal these days. "Nothing is free, even in Freetown". When we look at gain, we are easily distracted, and we lose the essence of the calling or ambition.

Our striving for money is actually the primary hinderance from s living in power. That and fear.

What a powerful message. With every video and comment of yours I feel like you already do exactly what I feel called to do now myself here on Steemit and beyond. Let us go beyond "just" posting and create a place that inspires and provides for people who either spread the message of opening our eyes or investigate it.

I have made tons of great contacts at the Anarchapulco event and I think I am really ready for the Esoteric SMT platform. Your help to support this with your thoughts and insights would be highly appreciated. If you feel this resonating with your own path I am ready to pave our mutual one to manifest this vision. We don't have to fear that what we don't know but embrace it with the power given to us.

Thats funny FLWY I was just talking about SMT to Earl and your self and you show up...
Great vibes to great places in spiritual connectivity is what our blockchain grows apon.
You guy's are the best!

@flauwy I'm so interested in exploring what this would look like. I believe I would be of much help with my insight and I was looking for something to help build that was more than just posting. It's crazy how you just found me like that at this time.

@toddjr Good to see you on here again.

Synchronicity, my friend. We are all bending our universe and seeking like-minded people will bring them together eventually!

Evil beings know that we are a threat to to their power if we were to use what God gave us so we are targets to further their evil agenda

I can tell you with absolute certainty that the threat to those evil powers are masculine men and feminine women that have a good relationship with nature and their culture.

Aka human beings like mother earth made us, not corrupted by modernity & "progress".

Broooo. That is 1000. As history plays out these forces will literally try to wipe us all out. Nuclear war is right around the corner.

Nuclear winter will be the end for this planet, so many people want it because then they get rid of government, globalism and things like that.

But none of those live in nature (neither do I at the moment) absolutely dependent on the system (supermarkets, electricity, no clue how to farm etc).

Besides that, the world will become a huge desert when the bombs fall, and the people surviving will have to become barbarians to survive.

It will be the "new age of men".

● Media
I'm writing my personal experience about media production houses lately.
One of the biggest star from Bollywood Sridevi recently met with an unfortunate death in Dubai couple of days back.all the media houses started covering this news for the 3 days continuously,it feels like our country doesnt had any debatable issue beyond this.she was a great actress she deserves some highlight but you can't 24*7 discuss about her only,sometimes it gives the feeling that our media houses became the detectives and helping out the Dubai police in solving her death mystery.

● Political parties
If anyone from India he/she can relate to this,all the political parties whether the ruling or opposition come up with some set propaganda in their minds,they divide the public on religion,cast,color for get to power.they don't talk about education,health or something that benifit the people of country,they only do politics over important issues and keep people segregated over different line so that when bad times comes to them they hit the nerve of related issue and can comeback in power with it.

Bollywood is a big deal. I know. I love it. I don't watch much of it but I like the music.

But yes the media reports alot of terrible news. Also I only know a little of the caste system in your country. But it is interesting.

when you have freedom, you can see the bars of the prison; it is hard to see those bars when you are just trying to survive, though you know you are not truly happy and are not fulfilling your potential in life. They use fear to control us. You are right, If you lose the fear you can find your freedom using your unique talents

That's deep. Instead of thriving we have chosen survival. We are being attacked.

There are many things which distracts us from living a life to its fullest. This age of information has many challenges which we face in our daily lives. The useless kind of information swarms our lives through media and other sources of information. Our job is to get only that information which is useful for ourselves and our community.

The propaganda tools used by so many media outlets distracts our vision and waste our energy on useless things. In the name of "breaking news" and with manipulative ads these outlets creates an environment of hysteria and consume our time on unnecessary things.

I am much impressed by your vision and motivational power to get maximum out of our lives. Inspired by you I have tried to honor your amazingly positive attitude in my blog. If You can spare some of your time to read here my thoughts.

Thank you @humanearl for making our lives meaningful.

People need hope. Just look around. People are constantly being attacked and manipulated from every angle. This frustrates me and this is why I do my best to motivate and inspire.

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