Willpower Has Nothing On Dreampower

in #life7 years ago (edited)

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It's Only Noise

They'll tell you to conform. They'll tell you if you don't then you won't make it in life. Chirp chirp chirp. That's the noise of people trying to get you to prescribe to a way of life that's just not who you really are even if they mean well. This may even include your own family. Maybe you can relate to this. 

   I've been done for a long time now trying to prescribe to the world's standard of "successful". It means nothing to me. I have visualized and began to internalize my potential. Unfortunately I was never encouraged to dream. Dreams sound good on paper but when it comes to actually pursuing them you will get all kinds of doubts and lack of faith from those around you. I understand that there are many of you who were highly supported in your dreams. I'm just not one of them.

   What matters most to me now is that I am living to my fullest potential and walking in the calling God has for me on this Earth. I will carry out my mission until my death, support or no support. All of us face death, but until then I will light the world on fire (in a constructive way of course).

The Light Dimmers

You have some people who will try to put out your light. They won't understand your mission and purpose. They will make assumptions about you and how you operate based off of misinformation or the lack thereof. I've stated many times before that you have to protect your energy because not everyone will add to your life to help your light shine brighter. Not everyone is as passionate about something as you are. That's fine. Just put your head down and keep moving.  

At this point in my life I am finding my rhythm. What I have been tirelessly searching for years has now hit me like a ton of bricks. It's right here and I will fight to make sure the world benefits from it. I have the power to do it and so do you. We have the power to take hold of our lives and discover ourselves. We have the ability to discover what we are called to do. Of course there will be chatter and distractions but it's just noise. It has no power over you.

Were you encouraged to dream?

What dream have you put off because of feeling discouraged?

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Yes. Mainly by myself.

I’m not sure it’s possible to be discouraged by other people. Well, I suppose it is. If they say “don’t do that” or “you’re being silly” or “you can’t do that”, I guess that’s pretty discouraging.

But… why does that matter? What does it matter what other people think of what you’re trying to do? And if they’re the kind of person who discourages other people from following their dreams, do you honestly care about the opinion of that kind of person?

What I mean is that if someone else succeeds in discouraging you from following your dreams - to the point of you actually giving up - it’s not exactly that they discouraged you. It’s you that discouraged you. When they said you couldn't do it, some part of you believed them.

Another person cannot discourage you from following your dreams because another person has no control over you. So if they succeed in discouraging you, it wasn’t because of them - it was because of you.

I like your perspective. People have no power over you but they can influence your decisions.

I'm glad you said "Why does it matter what people think". That right there is powerful.

Thanks @humanearl for sharing this post with all of us.

Willpower Has Nothing On Dream-power
 Chirp chirp chirp. That's the noise of people trying to get you to prescribe to a way of life that's just not who you really are even if they mean well.  

That's the noise i hear in my daily life yeah man it hurts sometimes and sometimes it doesn't matter at all because i am matured and have seen those experiences where life just teach you how to deal with these circumstances.

if we have people around each one of will have something to say just say 10 people around and you want one advice each one will give something very different sometime may it be useful and productive but when its about a life decisions i simply don't trust that because at the end its my life i have to make the decision even if it is bad or good.

 All of us face death, but until then I will light the world on fire (in a constructive way of course). 

Rightly said Bro!! strong word's there many people just wait for death to come by i mean what the heck if someone has got a life they need to make the best of it and do some work which will lead others by example or leave a legacy behind you which will be remembered forever.

At the end the video in which will smith talks was a great inspiration to me and always nice to look upto your post it cheer me up Thanks for being the inspiration for me bro.

Thanks a lot again for sharing this

Have a great day ahead,


You words always encourage me too. Thanks for understanding and sharing your thoughts. Will Smith has alot of wisdom to share.


@humanearl, Definitely best encouraging post sharing.Your post bring me past tense. Those days I saw various dreams but it was not received because I failed to contribute its with my goals. But before 2 years ago, I read books andparticipatedconference of positive thinking. After that I could won my short term life goals. After will pass some period I'll win long term goals. I woke up this morning feeling my dream was stupid and unobtainable, by me at least. This is a regular occurrence in my life, and I believe it is a regular occurrence in most of us who are trying to accomplish things slightly or greatly bigger than ourselves.
Actually Dream is very powerful thing and if you contribute to serious life you'll seriously win that dream. Dream created from passion. We are told to dream a big dream, have a big vision, We face an ongoing challenge when we dream something beyond our ability, In one moment I feel empowered to bridge the spiritual with the physical and just go for it with great gusto, at other times I see my flaws, weaknesses, and inability as barriers. This is but one reason why we wake up one morning ready to take on the world, and on another morning we feel we should crawl in a hole and pull the top in over our heads.Thank you for most encourage and inspire me.
Stay Blessed

The key to overcoming the doubt is just to keep moving even though it's hard. Sometimes we are our biggest enemies and destroyer of our own dreams.

I have a pastor who will always say "you are first of all the prophet of your own life." Others may not see what you see about yourself, about your dreams, about your future. Amidst all their frustrating comments or criticism, you must find yourself some encouragement if truly that step is worth taking. Encourage yourself.

A lady who was my colleague at work once had a mini project she desired to carry out. She came to me as an Electrical Engineer. He concept was good, but as much as I wanted to help her, I still thought it was not good enough. After so much pestering, I helped her and she was glad. I however just thought there were better ways of fashioning that idea. I wanted to push her further than the picture she had in mind. If I had insisted her method was primitive, I probably would have killed that idea in her. One step after the other, we can reach the top.

Wow. Thanks for sharing that. I think you did well in supporting her vision even though she could have dreamed bigger. That was much better than just killing her idea and discouraging her.

Beautiful and brave thoughts. I agree with you that we should follow our dreams. The question is, do we always know what our dreams are? Are our dreams truly ours? Many don't know their true dreams and pursue "standard" dreams without even thinking about what they really want.

I've been discouraged by many in my life, even my parents and teachers in school. That's sad because these people have the biggest influence on youngsters. I'm almost 30 and only now started to realize what an impact they have had on me. Luckily, I'm strong and have been able to do it my way at least partly. Yet many that are not strong enough are always doing what they are told without thinking for themselves.

I think paying attention to what really interest you the most is a tool to find what it is you want to do in life. People who don't know their dreams may not be paying attention to their interests.

The doubt and discouragement of others sticks with you as you travel through life. But you can choose to let it keep you down or use it as fuel to propel your life forward.

@humanearl... You Remind me of the struggles in time past, the pain I felt, the lack of support from people I held in high esteem, my hopes that were dashed, but amidst all this, God was my anchor, I would pray and pray like my life depended on it, at some point it would feel like a total waste of tym especially Wen I look around me nd see the world's definition nd regular route to being successful.... I never gave up still and even though I haven't gotten there yet, at least I know I never stopped believing nd trusting for a miracle which has taken me a step or two further than where I was yesterday.

Having God as your anchor makes all the difference. You will not lose if that's the case.

What you wrote about light dimmers really hit me. A lot of times we feel discouraged because of what people have said to us. We tend to let the opinions of people over our lives who don't put food on our tables count. I am one of such very emotional beings and I tend to let the opinions of others get to me. But with what you have said about the light dimmers , I know know better not to give heed them and keep moving. I shouldnt let them draw me back any more. I shouldnt let them make me feel less of myself coz I am unique and specially made.

Thanks again @humanearl for this uplifting post.

I used to let what people say get me down. But now I have learned to use it as fuel to my fire.

Thanks for sharing your experience.

good evening my friend
You have very successfully added the irresistible Will Smith, I like his words and his works, he is a talented person who has made many efforts to achieve his.

What dream did you put off because of a feeling of disappointment?

You know that I'm still young and my path is just beginning. But even at that age I buried many good ideas. It's all about lack of support from others and close ones, and most importantly in finance. In our time there is no point in denying that money plays a role in virtually any business.

I like your motivation, you are the person who continues to go to his goals. Apparently before you have experienced a serious and very difficult period in your life (I'm sorry I do not know what happened to you earlier).

But you were able to overcome difficulties and now helps others to overcome difficulties. Anyway, you understand that all the people in the world have difficulties, except for the dead. Therefore, any difficulties we must take as a new chance to manifest themselves.
Thank you for all that you do.

The fact that your still young is a good thing. Learn as much as you can.The fact that you have a good understanding of this shows me you will be fine.

Hi @humanearl
We all live on different continents and different corners of the world. But we will be united by many common problems of morality. Indeed, when you have a dream that is different from what other people think, you become lonely. Many people like to criticize and not help.

I often come across the opinion of relatives or friends and they tell me that my dreams are unrealizable. They do not always believe. But the paradox is that when you go against the opinion of others, against the noise that they create and ultimately achieve success .... these people who did not believe in you are starting to talk differently. They begin to respect you.
But the main point is that having achieved your goal without the help of these people - you cease to be dependent on their opinion. The main prison of a man in his head is doubts and fear. Destroy the wall of doubt, destroy the wall of indecision and fear and you will know that you are capable of more.

You do not need someone else's opinion, you are your own boss and you are the only person who can change his life. "Stay full of positive and do not lower your head!"
Thank you

It's funny how those around you doubt you then come around later to appreciate you.

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