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RE: Disneyland's Homelessness Problem

in #life7 years ago

It's tough, especially in this country. I think first you have to help them overcome any addiction/alcohol problems they may have. If they have criminal records, then working with organizations that will "forgive" those past issues would help get them a stable job. One problem is a lot or companies are not very forgiving and won't hire anyone with a criminal record or past drug issues. This will be an ongoing problem that will only increase in this country.


This is a very hard and difficult task. might have to do a massive kickstarter or gofundme

Most homeless ppl are drug addicts and/or suffer from mental illness. Sad fact is u can't help the majority of them and any money spent on the problem is wasted. I work in a restaurant and we can't find ppl to work but we have ppl that stand outside for 8 hours laying on the street begging. They don't want to work. My job pays above min wage with free meals but they just don't want to work. I'm done feeling bad for them..I wish we could round them up and put them on an island somewhere honestly

To a large extent I agree with you. But I have to believe that a certain percentage of them do want help and would benefit from some intervention. I agree and have also seen many that will never want help no matter if it's available or not. But for every failure there is bound to be a success.

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