The World Needs YOU to Break Out Your Bubble Part 1

in #life8 years ago

Everyone has a personal bubble. It's the small world which we cocoon ourselves into, where we are the centre, we are safe, we are comfortable. Our biggest concerns are about ourselves, our wellbeing, looking good, our success in life and where we will get our next personal pleasure from, whether that be good food, sex, designer handbags, or that unmissable episode of xyz.

We live inside this bubble the majority of the time.

Don't believe me?

How would you feel if someone called you stupid, would you take it personally? Would it hurt?

The only reason that this will hurt is because you live in a personal bubble. If you feel pain or embarrassment because someone called you stupid it's because it affects you and the things that matter most in your world is how things affect you.

We expect people to act in a certain way and get upset when they don't meet our expectations. This also makes us read too much into other people's words and actions and how we can correlate them into something that affects us, because it causes irritation or frustration.

Being in a personal bubble can be the cause of many health problems, as we try not to get too uncomfortable, and choose instant pleasures, so we eat unhealthy food, smoke or choose not to exercise.

This fear of uncomfortableness prevents us from meeting new people, hampers our potential love lives and stops us from trying new things as the fear of failure is just too much to bear.

The fear of failure also makes us procrastinate and keep putting things off because we don't want to feel discomfort or fail.

(Image Source, two pictures combined, both from:

In fact, most of our problems in life and society as a whole are caused by being in this bubble.

Incuding the inability to define our life purpose.

The ideal situation would be the whole world in one big huge bubble, caring about one another, sharing our resources, loving the nature around us.

Please not millions of people in their own separate bubbles going about their lives to the detriment of their own health, not caring what their actions mean to other people, as they are only concerned about themselves.

The world needs you, look what happens if you can break out of your bubble...

-When you see things from a less self centered approach, we see amazing things.

We can start accept that when people say or do something against us, its not about us. its about the pains and frustrations of that person, not us, so we don't need to dwell on it.

We understand that the urge to watch a TV program, eat junk food, play a video game, smoke a cigarette is just a passing physical urge, not the centre of the universe.

Our own desires become trivial in the grand scheme of things and we discover there is more to life than fulfilling our own pleasures all the time and stopping ourselves from feeling discomfort.

We see that our little fears are nothing compared to the pain and suffering of other people, and feel the urge to be compassionate towards all people and make the world a better place.

We start to have this wider view and can let go of fear, anger and procrastination and we can build new, better habits that can not only help us, but also the world.

Out of the bubble, we begin to see the needs of others and can feel empathy for their suffering and therefore work to make their lifes better and lessen, if not end that suffering.

If we can't do that yet, then we can learn new skills to be able to help - it is the intention that matters.

That way, as we go about our daily lives. we can tie our actions to a greater purpose and keep learning to fill our intention.

Taking this path means that it doesn't matter what specific skills you learn to make peoples lives better, what matters is the bigger purpose.

What matters is becoming bigger than yourself, once you burst out that bubble, then your life automatically has purpose.

Do you need help getting out of the bubble?

That's an article for another day.

Follow me and it will be in your feed soon.


Great post! I'm half out of the bubble!

Better than all in the bubble :) I think that half out is good enough, if everyone was half out, think of all the good that could happen. I'm half out too I think, as I don't think I'll ever shake the oversensitiveness off completely.

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