Your silence is violence (and what you can do instead)

in #life8 years ago (edited)

Brexit and Trump have put racism to the forefront of my mind lately. As a survivor of racial violence, I have been heartened by shares of literature and videos discussing how to assist victims or disrupt racial violence. One resource suggested standing silently with the victim during an attack. I have both performed and received this action. Please, please do this.


Doing this creates a boundary by offering solidarity. It takes the victim from being alone to being part of a group, and there is strength in numbers. The most terrifying facet of racial attacks is the isolation. When a peer verbally assaulted me with a series of racial slurs, most of the surrounding peers walked away or turned their backs. One instead walked over and stood near me, just close enough for me to know he was there. That he saw what was happening. That the whole world wasn't aligned against me and I didn't need to shrivel up and disappear. Basically, that this would end and I would be able to move on.

While this didn't stop the attack, it was an incredible support that I still recall with wonder. After all, the person supporting me was a young, white male. Same as the person attacking me. He was a reminder that we are all different, not just me, the person being accosted for being different.

Why not just tell the hater to shut up?

While it is excellent to speak up when it is possible, in the above situation, that would have fanned the flames of hate for my attacker. If you see racism in action, assess the situation. When it's safe to speak up to interrupt, do it. If it's safer to film, do it. If it's safest to simply stand near the victim, choose the path. Call the police. Check in with the victim after the attack. The key is action rather than inaction.

The same is true when witnessing other forms of abuse. Remember that choosing no action supports violence. Silence is violence. So, if you disagree, speak up. Take action. You have a voice which means you get to use it. Use it to make this world a better place.

What actions have you taken recently to improve the world we are living in? What actions would you like to take?

images via


Inaction might be the most effective action. If we all stopped participating in this mess of a society, then the mess might start to disappear. As long as we have an "us" and a "them" mentality; soldiers and hippies; democrats and republicans; capitalists and socialists; etc., etc. there WILL BE CORRUPTION AND WAR, PERIOD.

If we were to somehow tag out from this ego-game, then, and only then, will the incessant and unnecessary suffering end. Perhaps one of the super-powers are preparing a bio-weapon that will help us achieve such a state? This question is obviously a joke.

Everything within our system relies on competition and greed - translation: war and suffering. Fear and uncertainty are our "tribe's" lifeblood.

I think compassion is the key to meeting one another on common ground. I agree about competition and greed feeding fear and uncertainty until we are at an impasse.

Please don't associate Brexit and Trump with racist violence. Relative to the tremendous abuse and discrimination that white people now suffer every day in the West there is no credible connection whatsoever. By now you must be aware of the DNC inciting violence at Trump rallies. Perhaps rewrite your article?

great post
I've had men do this for me in the face of other men behaving in a threatening manner and it's made all the difference. The man will just walk over near me and it will tend to diffuse whatever is going on. Support and solidarity are so important!

I'm glad you've experienced support. :)

I have been on both sides of this coin. I'm a white, conservative and I can tell you hate goes farther than race or politics. I've been attacked for my faith, beliefs, and even the way I look. There are just some ugly people out there that want to make themselves feel good by belittling others. They are bullies and it doesn't matter what affiliation they hold. They are just insecure and have an inborn need to reinforce their own egos. Ignoring them or doing nothing does not make them go away. They just think they have dominated and won the situation, and will repeat their offenses until someone stands up to them and puts them in their place. I've been bless to have people on my side and have been on others side. A bully will always back down when the opposition is bigger than his/her ego.

I just wish we didn't have to go to war to get so many superegos to take a seat!

I often spoke up first and still do but last time I didn't because I had an injury. It took 30 seconds until someone took action after I had the reflex and decidet to stay quiet.

I'm glad someone stepped in!

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