Growing Up, Hell Yeah's and A Very Vague Bucket List

in #life6 years ago

Looking through old things – I use the term 'old' in a equally vague manner – I came across a bucket list. Mine, my own bucket list, and yet not mine. Luckily, it had a date on it, so I could place it in time, looking back. I wrote it almost two years ago and I was very surprised at how vague it is.
There is something very childish in the words, which I guess is to be expected.

To go to Mars.

Seriously, seventeen year old me? Seriously?

Well, then I figured why not? Hell yeah, let's go to Mars. Because seriously, who'd pass up on that?

I'm not blasting it for being impossible, don't get me wrong here, but for being...common. There were quite typical points on it. Crazy things you'd expect to find on any seventeen year old's bucket list, I think. But not bad points.

To fall madly in love.

First, ew.
Second, it's a fair point, we all want that, don't we? And it's one of the most amazing, mind-blowing things you can do in this life, so hell yeah.

As you probably guessed by now, most of my reactions were along the lines of being judgmental and a bit embarrassed, then going hell yeah.

And I wondered, after reading this child's bucket list, what I'd write on a new one. If I was to do my bucket list right now, what would make the cut?
Re-reading the points on the old one, I realized I'd probably do most of them, given the opportunity, but that they're not jaw-dropping. Not one. You know the movie 'The Bucket List', starring Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman?


Well, my points weren't like that and I was a bit disappointed by this. Maybe I should do more things like that, you know, drive a racing car or climb a mountain. (I did get sky-diving though, on the list)

But I knew that would be as impractical as the bucket list I already had. Why? Because those things don't really matter to me. Sure, I'd probably do them, if I could, but they don't represent a personal goal. And that's what I think you should put on a bucket list – personal goals, stuff that would make you happy and proud.

And I came to the conclusion I don't need a bucket list (anti-climatic, I know), because I know what those things are for me. I have a clear picture in my head of where I'd like to go and it doesn't really involve Mount Everest.
The list was there all along. In my head, that is.

Buuuut, since I love the idea of bucket lists and I don't want to live you feeling 'meh', I have decided upon one, short bucket list. A very vague bucket list.

1. To live.

Reasons life's worth living from the play 'Every Brilliant Thing' - 30. Sleep on your bed diagonally; 282. Making a compliment; 711. Dyeing you hair; 800. Dance Marathons; 999. The light of the Sun.

I realized I want that.
After all, that's the point of the movie, innit? Friendship. Life. Happiness.

Thank you for reading,



Bucket lists always seemed a little bit too high pressure for me. But then I'm not really much of a planner. Something along the lines of "today I'd like to try a new tobacco and write a few words," is usually enough to keep me going.

I had a customer yesterday, though, who I think was doing it right. He was buying cigars for a trip to Texas, where he was going to celebrate his 55th birthday by waiting in line to eat some world famous barbeque. Apparently he needed a lot of cigars because the wait at the place is 5 to 8 hours! But he'd been hearing about the place his whole life and this was what he wanted to do.

Oh my god, that is so awesome :)) I want to do something as cool as that when I'm 55.

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