Alternative Medicine for Depression & Anxiety

in #life6 years ago

According to the National Mental Health Association, depression and anxiety are common psychiatric conditions. Depression and anxiety may be associated with an imbalance in, or lack of, the chemical messengers known as neurotransmitters in the brain. While many people take prescribed medications for depression and anxiety, some people like to use alternative medicines. Many of the alternatives on the market today can be used alongside some of the traditional medicines to complement a healthy wellness regimen for treating depression and anxiety.


Omega 3 Fatty Acids

Omega-3 fatty acids are fatty acids that our bodies require but do not produce. A study by the National Institute of Mental Health investigated the use of omega-3 fatty acids on depression. The study concluded that people who take omega 3s showed a marked improvement in overall mood. Researchers believe it is because omega 3s can help the brain's re-uptake of serotonin, which can help maintain elevated moods for people who experience depression.


SAM-e (S-adenosylmethionine) is naturally formed in the body and helps with neurotransmitter development. Nancy Stedman, author of The SAM-e Handbook suggests that SAM-e can improve the function of neurotransmitters by binding to receptor sites. This helps develop cell communication, which, in turn, can assist in alleviating depression and anxiety.

Saint John's Wort

In Munich Germany, The Center for Complementary Medicine reviewed 29 studies involving St John's Wort and placebos in people who were depressed. It was determined that St John's Wort was superior to the placebos. St John's Wort, also known as hypericum perforatum works by inhibiting serotonin re-uptake which is what many SSRI medications do. This herbal medication should not be mixed with other medications and people who take this should consult their physician.


Depression and anxiety can be a product of low serotonin levels. Serotonin is an important chemical in the brain that involves moods, sleep, and behaviors. 5-HTP is a natural amino acid that people can use to treat depression as well as anxiety. It is derived from griffonia simplicifolia, a West African plant, and is a very close relative of tryptophan which is the metabolic path that leads to serotonin production. According to Alternative Medicine Magazine, March 2005 issue, 5-HTP is safe and can be an effective way to deal with anxiety and depression.


According to a study conducted at Tufts University in Boston, researchers discovered that a folate deficiency could produce depression. Folate, which is a B vitamin and can be found in green, leafy vegetables, legumes, and healthy grain cereals, can help depression levels. People who experience depression often do not eat healthy diets, and therefore, do not get the required B vitamins they need. Folate is critical for proper brain metabolic pathways.


  • Evans, K. Brain food: the natural cure for depression. Alternative Medicine Magazine.
  • Anxiety and Depression: A Natural Approach; Shirley Trickett
  • The Omega-3 Connection; Andrew Stoll

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