The Fastest Road To Getting What You Want

in #life6 years ago

Too few of us in life will ever realise our dreams. It is not that we lack the power to realise them that prevents us from doing so, but that we often lack the patience to discover what our dream truly is. Consequently, with no clear vision of what we want from this life, the future we are aiming for in the back our mind is in a constant state of change, making it an impossibility for us to ever arrive at our destination.

Society is undoubtedly a profound distraction. Countless mechanism keep us too busy to stop for the necessary time to ponder the future we would like to see ourselves participating in. But it is necessary for us to fast from life for as long as it takes for us to decide upon what our will for ourselves and for the world is, for only then can we walk directly towards it in the shortest amount of steps possible.

Before we can envision our dream, however, we must first be aware of the distinction to be made between one's will and one's desire. We can have a million desires - but we can have only one will. As an example, a man might desire for wealth, power and women. And yet his will may be to become a man who can find joy without the need for any such luxuries. We should then consider our will to be the destination, the version of ourselves and of the world that we hope to arrive at one day. While desires are the consolation prizes we award ourselves to soothe the despair of not attaining our true will. To have wealth can never be someone's will, for all wealth is merely a tool towards greater ends. Whether it be a mechanism for purchasing products that will bring joy or excitement, or a measuring stick to make one feel accomplished in comparison to their peers - money and material possessions are never a person's will, but the building blocks one believes they will be able to construct their dream with.

So by taking the necessary time apart from society's games, and by establishing a complete picture of where we would like to see ourselves in the future, we are able to achieve an important goal that few of us in this world ever manage to - we can decide upon exactly what we want from this life. Scrutiny must follow next, for we must be sure that our goal will not change upon us drawing near to it. For this reason it is better not to have our will for our lives confined by too many parameters, but to be a a clear idea, one that could be accomplished or defined through many different contexts.

Knowing what it is we truly want, and never changing it, means that each morning when we awake, there is no confusion about what we are working towards. With a clear view of our destination, the countless routes one can walk in order to arrive there present themselves. And if we marry the emotional state of living our will to the present tense, and live each moment as if our will has already been established, then we will find that doors will appear from nowhere in our lives - doors that all lead closer to our intended destination. The placebo effect is understood as a means for one to heal. If they know that they're getting better, magic will occur within the human body to begin the process of healing. On a grander scale, the belief that one is heading for the realisation of their dream, will invite magic to occur in the universe that will begin the process and the journey of transforming one's life towards the end that they have decided upon.

The fastest road then, to getting what you want from this life, is to take the time to decide exactly what it is that you do want, and then live your life as if you already have it - until you do.

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If you have any topics you would like me to discuss in future meditations then please let them be known in the comments section below.


Much love and blessings in advance to all supporters of @hiraku and of humanity

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