What Exists Beyond Love?

in #life6 years ago

What to tell about love? Everyone knows about it already. It's not just a word that we show our feelings to everyone. This door is peeping in yourself, awakening yourself. Love cannot sleep, but I see love is sleeping and life is still going on.

"Love" is just a word that is defined by the human beings on the basis of his full knowledge. It is impossible to seize love in one word or sentence. Neither can I show it nor can it make statements in words, the words are vigilant and it is unimaginable. This is the world where the existence of the disorders is eliminated, the ego is left us, the mind becomes disinterested, meaning the entire emptiness and the solitude. And this emptiness is born in the loneliness of a feeling that we all know by the name of ‘Love’.


Whenever you love a boy or a girl, have you ever got angry at him/her? It must has come, it would be must come hundreds of time, and sometimes even the thought of leaving him/her would have come. Many people would be left her/him partner and will be searching for a new love again. And after the certain stage this situation will have come again. Is there no end to this circle? is not the only one, is not enough, to understand this feeling of love. Why does it run away after one after another? And we call this race true love.

I know about it but I cannot write it, it is not the word that can give it form, which can show it.
Seeing the waves rising in ourselves, watching the burning volcano of thoughts is the basis of love. This is the formula that will take you beyond the love.

"I love somebody, and want to love him, want to be with him, spend my whole life with him", this is the thought that is the enemy of love. This thought breaks it. If you call it love, then why do you want to separate from it after a time, want to move ahead and leave it? Why does it happen?

Probably this formula has not been understood today and those who understood it are no longer living. And the lovers are melted in love with physical body. Has anyone heard the name of Mira, if not, then the story is that she got absorbed in Krishna.

The meaning of love is not sacrifice, but it keeps the entire universe in your steps. The fragrance of existence makes you smell. Where is love there is no desire, where no one has to obtain, it is standing in front of us but there is no desire to obtain it.

"Love says I cannot love any one, I am in everything. I am love and I am whole. "The Himalayan Masters says, "Loving only one is misconception, love to whole".

And when you love whole, then it is never possible with one. Can you love someone ignoring the desire of love? Probably not because then you are in love with whole. Then you must have become whole, then you must have become the part of it.

Today everyone loves someone and wants to get her/him, is there anybody here who has become love?

What is love in your eyes?

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