Red Pill or Blue Pill, Which Would You Choose?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #life7 years ago


What Would You Do If Given the Opportunity?

I know for sure that I would choose the Red Pill. I have learned so much in my life and the learning never stops. The worst part about all of it is that I would have to go through almost 15 years without internet if my age rolled back to 10. That would be a huge bummer.

Time is so Valuable.

Those 40 years are worth way more than the $10 Million figure. Can you imagine what you could accomplish if you had all that extra time and health available to you? I know I can!


The blue one would age me back almost 4 years. So that works for me.

Talk about a win/win... 4 years younger and instant millionaire or a smart child...... A little harder decision now.

Indeed, great proposal here, where to get the blue pill? :-)

Lol! Me too. I'd even pro-rate the cash...

red pill with all the knowledge, if i rolled back to 10 years of age with all the knowledge i have right now it would be much more profitable for me.

I think some people would take the blue pill, especially because you never know if you would make the same mistakes again, you made in your lifetime now...

I wouldn't but if you had a really though time in your early 20's and 30's, why wouldn't you fastforward for the easy fix...

Red pill anytime

I would have taken the red pill...knowledge is king :-)

Congratulations @hilarski
MinnowsPower listed your post "Red Pill or Blue Pill, Which Would You Choose?" as one of the top 10 commented posts of the day...!!!

This question I asked few times from myself :) Exceptional question and well explained answer for the given question. Excellent article you just shared.

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amigo #resteemia at your service

red pill :) @hilarski

'UpVoted ReSteemed Commented'

I'll take a shot with red pill.

Red pill . being 50 is too much. and at that age the spirit is more calm and wise. would be too consistent with money

@hilarski - 'Those 40 years are worth way more than the $10 Million figure' you are correct Sir. So, I wish to go back with Red Pill Sir ;)

+W+ [UpVoted & ReSteemed]

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