Luck Favors the People Who are Willing to Grind it Out.

in #life7 years ago


Are You Putting in Your Best Effort?

For years I thought I was doing a great job. I was working so hard trying to attain my goals. When I look back at the old Randy I realize that I was lazy and incompetent. I was more like George Costanza below. I would work on my personal goals for 30 minutes and then watch 4 hours of TV or play video games.

I used to think, "if only I could catch a break, then all of my problems would disappear". I think you know how that worked out. For the first 20 years of adulthood I beat my head against the wall blaming the world for my short comings and inability to find a path to success.

I didn't break free until I was put in a position that I was forced to be successful or suffer shame. When I first came to Panama I had it made with the company I partnered with but that only lasted for 18 months. @AnaHilarski and I had just married and we were living in a gorgeous condo overlooking Panama City. I was no longer working with my former partners but I was doing well writing for an online travel and retirement magazine. Then the company pulled the plug on the project.

As I sat thinking about how I was going to pull this off without having to run home to NY in shame. I thought that it was time to go all in on our strengths. Anabell and I were very good at social media. So we figured we could help others and that is how High Impact Media Group Panama began. Within a few weeks we moved to a house outside the city that was affordable and we cut our expenses by 70%. We then put our heads down and got to work.

I Can, I Will, I Must!

Looking Back, I Have to Say Those First Two Years Were Trying but Worthwhile.

We struggled during that first year. For the first time in my life I had no one there to pay me a salary. @AnaHilarski threatened many times that she was going to go back to work but in the end we persevered. Most people see what the end result is but have no clue about the struggle it took to get there.

So I urge you to go all in on your passion. I know it is a tough decision but giving up TV, video games, sports, partying or whatever is getting in your way is worth it. Get to work and I promise you won't need luck.


Makes me think of when I was busting my butt on Steemit when it was worth .12 cents each. Paying off now. The fruits of my labor today only helps me remember the sweat, struggle and experience of yesterday. (x10 profit ain't bad).

I hear ya, it was difficult to keep people excited when the returns in Dollar terms were down. What they didn't understand was the the payouts were identical in Steem terms.

Great article Randy! Relentless and persistant. We are a monster!

Hmm thats a lot of things that i need to give up i guess..

Big price to pay for feeling good a lot of the time, right?

Distractions can derail any dream.

Great piece! The first bit about Georg Costanza made me think of motivation in general. Try and look up the pieces about that on (Harvard University's site). Really great stuff!

Perseverance and hard work will always work out in the end. We need to take responsibility for our lives instead of blaming others or our circumstances

It´s all a matter of focus, on what you do want!
Well done Mister, you got it :-)

Sir i like your blogs
and also followed you
please follow me back
and give votes to my posts :)


Inspirational words. You and @AnaHilarski are a winning team.

Aw Shucks, thank you @Opheliafu!

Thanks I needed that motivation.
I'm glad to hear it worked out well for you and your wife.

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