Life expectations?

in #life7 years ago

As a child I used to believe my life expectations would be easy to reach, first study, then get a job, then get married with a handsome young man, then have smart good looking children, then became a lovely, pampered grandmother and eventually, after many years, die. It sounds pretty easy isn't it? But I couldn't be more wrong. Maybe fifty years ago this was middle-class people's main plan, however, last decade life expectations have changed radically.

First, academic expectations. I almost always was happy at school, even when I'm a little bit shy I used to have good friends and I used to have good marks. All changed when I was forced to decide an education branch, in my case, I have to decide between arts and science. I had thought that it was going to be an easy decision but it wasn't.

I finished my university studies and according to my childhood plan I had to got a job. As a child I never had heard about master degrees, therefore, this was another unnoticed, important decision: get a job versus continue studying. I was trying to follow some nostalgic old dreams, thus, I decided continue studying.

I hadn't got a job, thus, everything could happen. I was understanding the cosmos mystical message of not more expectations when I met my actual boyfriend. By the way, as a teenager I was promised to the "four winds" I would never get married nor have children and not cooking for somebody else, I was kind of a "grinch" teenager. However, when I met my boyfriend everything changed. I haven't married yet, and maybe we won't never do it, but still we have many future plans, I have thought seriously having children and of course I love to cook for him.

I'm not sure what to expect about future, I just hope not to die so soon. I got a job two years ago but I didn't like it and I started to follow other sort of old dreams. For sure there are many mistakes still waiting for me and with a little lucky some hits too. Although, there is only one truth about it, no one except me can take the next decision.


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