Loose Change (Update #2)

in #life8 years ago (edited)

The Loose Change Project has begun today "Officially".  As I previously documented in the Original Post, I had a box of "Loose Change" & an Idea, for savings and a substantial series of posts.  The first post garnered a small bit of attention.  

Though I never did see close to that $5.43 @screenname mentioned (lol) I think it topped out at around $1.75.  As a new user, I got a "Trail Token", which I am still eager to collect - though honestly I know nothing about it.  I followed the link, connected to the 'chat' but alas, my guess is everyone had mics & headphones - I just have the keyboard.  I'm not dismayed though - I figured out early that 'onboarding' was going to be a difficult challenge.  I shall endeavor to write, and write more, and write better.

Over Christmas I came up with an idea, I always say - I get one good one a day (large or small) ... and this was it.  "Loose Change".

  As can be found in my profile title, about me, one attribute is I am a 'Chef'.  

(Quite a good one so I'm told - let the eaters Judge. LOL)  In this profession I am semi-retired.  (Working on FULL retirement)  Kitchen competitiveness is like a "Sport" - it's a game of 'youth' & old QB's.  Major hernias, like hamstrings can take you out of the game.

So after several years of military service, 19 years of management, and 25 years of cooking my heart out "at times simultaneously" - I'm semi-retired.  I (being who I am) always wanted to learn more about automotive skills.  So, Jack of Trades (with no knowledge or skills) took a position as an auto detail 'specialist'.  {Emphasis Mine} Two years ago.  Turns out, I'm pretty handy at 'the buffer'.

So in the process of 'reconditioning automotive products' (cleaning cars)  there is the 'byproduct' of "Loose Change".  All those nickels, pennies, quarters & dimes that "Slip beneath, and under the seats".  Couple that with a mathematical brain, various forms of 'scrap' metals and a 'beating Crypto-curriency' heart - tied together with a Minimalist outlook on life.  You get a 6 Year Plan.

This is my backyard, 10 Acres through the woods, up 6 miles off the 'paved roads'.  I believe in Steem, the founders of it, and the Steemit Community.  This project will continue through the development & build-out of Steemit, as it grows & blossoms.  It started with $10.58 cents, which I converted to Bitcoin on Coinbase today.  Here's the transaction:

I want to encourage fellow Steemians & new adopters -  To "Stick With It". Remember, Bitcoin once was .06 cents.

Note: All Photo are original, and taken with my iPhone 5.


I really enjoyed the way that you shared this!

Excellent idea!

Thank you, I did forget to mention that I will be converting the Bitcoin to Steem (Which is the point of the project) ... that (and I should note) the vehicles the change comes from are trade-ins. (lol) We don't remove personal contents from customer vehicles. [Policy of Honesty] A great Rule to live by!

You know your social media site is getting real when every other post has a legal disclaimer

It's "even better" when you don't have to "worry" about a 'Legal Disclaimer'. This I like.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.16
TRX 0.16
JST 0.030
BTC 58171.46
ETH 2472.55
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.42