At the 33rd Chaos Communication Congress in Hamburg - Day 1steemCreated with Sketch.

in #life8 years ago

Finally, they fixed the sign, and it properly reads CCC now:


See previous Post: Day 0

The Chaos Communication Congress generally has some continuous mottos, like...:

  • Be excellent to each other
  • All creatures welcome well as a special one for each year. This year's is:

  • Works For Me!

This typical attitude of developers can also be seen in general in society and should be overcome.

That motto was, among other things, presented earlier at the start of the day in the opening ceremony. The giant hall was jam-packed at 11 a.m. already.


Shortly thereafter, Hall 2, only slightly smaller, was also slowly but steadily filling up before the next talk would start there.


The complete program for the 4 days can be found here:
All talks are streamed here:
Recordings will eventually end up here: (and on youtube).

And that's not even all. Countless workshops and self-organized sessions go along:

Plus, lots of projects presented and exhibited:

These are usually set up by so-called assemblies:

It's 12:33 noon time but all the welcome creatures do not tell day from night:


All the while the talks go on, like the EFF's own predictions about the future of encryption:


Speaking about privacy, we even think of the children! No really! How about a talk about a book that will soon be published that aims to teach these concepts to children in a playful way.


Yet, still plenty of opportunity to chill, even for those who'd prefer a more traditional post-christmas atmosphere:


The Bitcoin community is, naturally, also present with an assembly:


By late afternoon, the lounge + bar + disco area (finally) also opened where you can hang out, drink and dance for 4 days 24/7:


You can check the #33c3 hashtag on some social media platforms for live updates and impressions from all the people that are here:


(For full size, just click a picture, or right-click it and choose to open the link(!) in a new tab or window.)

All photos shot by me with a simple phone cam (LG-G4). No special equipment. CC-BY-SA.

Hosted on IPFS. If you have it installed and running, just point your browser to your localhost url http://localhost:8080/ipns/ to browse my shared stuff.


Die beste Konferenz!

Thank you for sharing!

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