in #life6 years ago

Most humans try as best as they can to avoid the fight life brings their way. This they do by seeking avenues, which can either keep them safe from these fights or keep these fights away from themselves. Mr. Tom, my neighbor for the past five years dreaded the concept of having kids, because of the so many responsibilities that comes with it. This led to his refusal to get his wife Tina pregnant, until early last year. His wife Tina got pregnant and kept the pregnancy until she was delivered of a male child, despite ceaseless attempts by her husband to abort the pregnancy. At the moment, Mr. Tom is head on with the fight of parenting, which include; protecting, providing and training his child.


I remembered when I was done with high school back then in the year 2001. All I could think or imagine was college. From the numerous stories I heard about college, there was nothing else that mattered to me in this world than getting to college, but little did I know that I desired to get into a fight in the educational system. I was excited when I got my admission letter to study civil engineering, I never knew that the fight at this level was far more than I could imagine. So, in the course of my five years programme, I had to fight sleep, laziness, excess fun and time wastage to achieve a CGPA of 3.83 at the end of my programme in college.


Truly, life tests us by engaging us in one or more forms of fights just to either toughen us or break us. These fights never end so long as you live here on earth. The fight in question is not a physical contest between two or more people, but it is a battle of overcoming the challenges or obstacles in your life’s journey. Some of the basic stages of these fights include; the fight of overcoming the illnesses associated with childhood; the fight of being accepted by friends and love ones through teenage hood; the fight of overcoming oppositions during adulthood and even the fight at old age in overcoming loneliness.


However, a few people who have tried so hard to escape the fights of life ended up with sad stories. Mr. Anthony for example, was my mathematics teacher in high school; he could not overcome the fight of domestic bills in his home and saw suicide as the best option to take in order to be free from this fight. He ended up committing suicide on 18 November 2017, because he allowed the fight of domestic bills that were piling up to beak him, may his soul rest in peace.


Finally, either you choose to fight your way through life or you decide to run from it. One thing is sure; there are fights of various forms life brings your way at different stages, which you cannot escape from. So, the best thing to do is to brace up and fight your way through life, because every fight won toughens you up for the next.


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