13) america IS CORRUPTION (Help me bitcoin, may I come home)

in #life8 years ago


Nothing in this country works correctly, there is no accountability or oversight on anything.  Everything in this country has 2-4 unnecessary steps that slow everything down, preventing any accountability, without adding functionality. This entire country is slowed down by middleman after middleman leaching from the cash flow.

Everything in this country cost more than you agreed to. 

Things you never sought out find ways to bill you.

Their educational system is a scam.

Their banks can take money from people with out their knowledge, permission, with no intention of providing any goods or service in return.

Stay the fuck away from american health care system.  It’s a nonsensical mess, and their billing departments are immoral.

The police use the public as fund raising in too many ways to briefly list.  The police behave like lying unaccountable school yard bullies who have no problem destroying peoples lives.  The american legal system is a conveyor belt where nobody takes responsibility for right or wrong, just passing you along to the next step.

I don’t think americans realize how often you have to deal with the police in this country.  Americans are only aware of themselves.  When you’re only aware of one thing, than that one thing just is, what is.  When something just is, than you tend to be unaware of what it is.  Even though I grew up an illegal immigrant I never feared the police.  I knew that for the most part as long as I didn’t commit any crimes and minded my own business I didn’t have to worry about the police.  Here in america you have to actively avoid dealing with the police.  Back home I may have worried that a policeman might ask one question too many and find out that I was an illegal, but here I worry about my physical safety.  Back home I may have worried about being detained and deported, but I never worried that a policeman would exaggerate/fabricate crimes and lock me away for years just to gratify the entitlement to dominance. I fear this with almost every interaction here.  Every interaction with the police starts by them imposing themselves on you.  Fishing for justification after the fact.  Not being humiliatingly submissive can lead to them putting on the conveyor belt of the legal system, with no consideration of right or wrong.

Americans are spoiled, entitled, dishonest, brats, who’s only skill set seems to be putting that kind in its place, with petty power trips.  The police being both american and unaccountable are often an exaggerated version of this behavior. 

My first interaction with the american police came immediately after arriving in this country.  I didn’t have a car yet.  My employer needed me to drive somewhere, so they lent me a rental car.  The rental company didn’t put on an updated registration sticker when they renewed it.  Being new to the country I didn’t understand any of this.  Plus it was a rental car, so I just assumed everything was in order.

I got pulled over and was written a ticket for driving with outdated registration. While he was writing the ticket, I asked if the ticket was in my name or the owner of the cars name.  I was friendly polite and thought it was a just a casual question.  He reached down and unlatched his gun, then physically pulled me out of the car.  Shoved me up against the car and handcuffed me.  He then began digging through some stuff I had in the back seat of the car.  He looked right in my eyes then broke some of my stuff.  I didn’t know what to do so I just stared at him like a dear in the headlights.  He then began frantically telling me all the charges that he was going to put me away for.  I degraded myself in a way more humiliating than I had ever had to, and thanked him for not hurting me.  He seemed calmer at this point. I had some important paper that were about to blow away.  I said “those are important can I put them back”.  This set him off again.  He grabbed them locked eyes with me, and throw the papers out into traffic.  He then dragged me by the handcuffs around to the back of my car. He began screaming at me, while pushing me backwards over the back of my car.  At one point he was looking me in the face repeatedly jerking his head forward towards mine, while screaming “what are you going to do, what, what, what are you going to do”.  I was as quiet and submissive as I could have been.  I feared for my life.  He was openly trying to provoke.  I had never seen a grown man throw a temper tantrum like this before.  He had no self control, was escalating under his own momentum, and clearly wanted to harm me and was trying to provoke a reaction to justify this.

At this point a second police car pulled up and a second policeman walked over.  He stayed to the side and didn’t say anything, but the first guy backed off and walked around to the back of his car to catch his breath.  I whispered over to the second policeman if he could calm him down before he hurts me.  He looked me up and down with a look of disgust, crossed his arms and backed up.

The first policeman then put me in the back of the police car.  He started pacing back and forth, faster and faster, while yelling louder and louder.  Like a five year old throwing a tantrum. I truly feared for my life. He was escalating under his own momentum.  He was so loud that a crowd started to gather on the corner.  I think this was my saving grace because the second policeman finally stepped in and calmed him down.  With a little more pushing and shoving he told me I was lucky to walk away.

Even though I grew up an illegal immigrant I had never feared for my life from a policeman before.

I was new to america and was unfamiliar with the american temper tantrum.  I thought his behavior was so far outside the norm that the people in charge at the local police station would want to know that one of their officers had such problems with anger, self control, and posed a danger to people.  I was wrong they did not want to know.

I went to the local police station.  I asked the man behind the counter for a complaint form.  He asked me to wait.  I waited about half an hour, then somebody came out and from across the lobby said that he was told about my behavior.  When he got face to face with me he pointed to the front door and said that if I didn’t leave he would throw me down those stairs, send people out to look for my car, while I wait for an ambulance.  I left with out a complaint form.  They are probably still working there today.  How many decent peoples who said triggering words have they harmed either with physical violence, or exaggerated/provoked charges?

I have now had many, many encounters with american police, and you have to be as submissive as possible to a humiliating level as they go fishing for a justification after the fact.

A few months later during an attempted robbery (victim not perpetrator)I broke a couple bones during the scuffle, and needed a couple pins put in.  This trip to the hospital put me temporarily out of work and into debt.

Stay away from the american health care system.


Any way, I had a traffic ticket that I couldn’t pay, so I went to court to ask for community service.  The judge told me to get my “mommy” to pay for it.  I now know “mommy” is the american solution for everything.  I told the judge that I had only lived in the country less than a year and I didn’t have any parents to pay for it. The judge told me I was lying, and if I was too embarrassed to ask “mommy” for help and wanted to pretend to be something I’m not, then he was going to teach me a lesson and treat me the way the people I was pretending to be, get treated.  He sent me to jail.

I could go on and on about the jails in this country, but I’m not.  I will state what should be obvious.  The jails here are filled with a lot of people who don’t belong there.  Now I’m not saying nobody belongs there.  America has some real pieces of shits of human beings.  However, america locks up more people than places that the world recognizes as oppressive dictatorships.  Americans are bland boring inexperienced people who live in a bland boring uneventful place, so why are so many of them in jail.  Its because americans are self righteous, dishonest, spoiled, brats, who’s only skill set is putting people in their place.  American institutions are filled with americans, so american institutions behave like americans.  American police behave like americans.  american courts behave like americans.

I’m only going to mention one more police interaction.  I was so sick of dealing with snotty, passive aggressive, dishonest trouble makers, that I decided to move some place nicer.  I saved up some moving/start up money.  Unfortunately I did not know that if you cross from one state to another state and have money, then that is proof of being a drug smuggler.  This permits the Highway patrol to take your money.  Most people will be familiar with the concept of a speed trap, where the police park right at the point where the speed limits change.  They can then hand out one ticket after another.  The highway patrol has cash traps.  They park at the borders between states and simple take your cash.  I was pulled over.  The first question I was asked, was “how much money do you have”.  They didn’t care about anything else, just my money.

I do not trust any part of the american legal system.

I am not one of those people saying fuck the police.  Any peaceful functioning society needs a functioning police force.  I want to live in a peaceful functioning society. 

Unfortunately Americans are simplistic, absolutist, group thinkers.  This means that your either 100% for or 100% against.  The american police are filled with americans, so american police behave like americans.  The good police will lie and help the bad police.  My kind, your kind permeates everything in the fucking country, even the police. 

The solution is external oversight.

The longer I live in america the more sympathy I have for american police. Americans are snotty entitled brats who go from calm to temper tantrum in a heartbeat, and american police have to deal with this all day everyday.  I have only dealt with americans on casual basis for a hand full of years, and I’m sick of it.  Unfortunately the american police are filled with americans, so sometimes the american police go from calm to temper tantrum in a heartbeat.  When the police behave this way innocent people get their lives destroyed.

The solution to this is better hiring practices for the police.  Did you know that the american police have IQ maximums.


 “Law makers dropped the maximum IQ requirements a whole 30 points from an average score of 90 to 60, an IQ that is only marginally higher than that of a person with down-syndrome.”


 “Ex-CIA Contractor Confirms: Police Departments Use Tests to Ensure Applicants Lack Logic and Compassion”


 “Court OKs Barring High IQs for Cops”


“US Court Says it’s Okay for Police Departments to Refuse to Hire Someone who is Too Smart”

“A smart person does not create a domestic standing army and call it freedom. A smart person does not deliberately tear gas journalists. A smart person does not point a rifle an an innocent person and tell them that they are going to kill him. A smart person does not severely beat a person with down syndrome because he sees a bulge in his pants, which is actually a colostomy bag.“

Then of course they need to get rid of all the military equipment.  You know “give a boy a hammer”.  

Finally if they could just stop behaving like americans.

I don’t trust any part of the american legal system.

The public defenders assume your guilt, and will lie to your face for their own expediency, and bill you more than a cheap lawyer would charge, defeating the point of a public defender.

The jails purposely organize the gangs in uneven numbers, so that a different gang controls a different section of the jail instead of employing guards, to save money.  This encourages gang behavior.  In fact when you enter an american jail you are assigned to a gang the minute you enter whether you want to or not. 

The jails have services to help people to find work and places to live when leaving jail, to help lessen the chance of returning.  However, if you attempt to use those services the guards will add to your sentence making you ineligible to use those services. The guards not a judge, the guards add to your sentence.

I do not trust any of them.

This seems like a never ending list, so I will just say america is corruption. When you look at america from the outside, it looks functional.  When you first enter america it seems functional.  If you stay in america for a while and have to try and accomplish anything you quickly realize that nothing in this country functions.


Do you hate americans too?  For more info copy and paste the links below. 




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