My New Secret to Sleeping Like a Baby= More Creativity+Energy+Steemit Posts! 😴😍

in #life7 years ago

Do you ever struggle to fall asleep?

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Do you wake up multiple times throughout the night?

Maybe you have too much on your mind like me, causing interferences in your sleep and ultimately a tired haze to follow you around the next day.

Fear not, sleep-deprived Steemians, I have found a way to get some sleep which will help with the creative process!

Last night, I fell asleep and stayed asleep, in a deep, enchanting, healing, peaceful sleep all night.

I don't even remember falling asleep, the last thing I recall was being so comfortable and relaxed then... Bam!

When I woke up, I was kind of dazed and felt like sleeping beauty awaking from her long, blissful slumber.

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That was a change! How do I do that again?

Normally, my mind works overtime during the darkest hours, sending my idea-box into overdrive. I toss and turn and wake up with every tiny noise.

Does any of this sound like you?

If so, let me share with you what I did last night to encourage this wonderful dreamland to let me stay a while.

Have you ever heard of meditation?

What comes to mind when you hear that word "meditation"?

Maybe you're like me and think of this:

marg homer meditate.gif

BEFORE I learned anything at all about meditation, I used to associate it with... well- you know, all that weird, new-age, mumbo-jumbo stuff... stuff that I didn't know or care about and couldn't be bothered to try it (no longer the case).

Maybe you're like my dad and you conjure up an image of some "hippies in a circle smoking something out of a weirdly shaped tube?"

But it keeps coming up, people keep talking about it, I keep seeing books about it, hearing about it from friends...

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So friends, if you do feel like 'old me' or my dad, just place those thoughts aside for a minute....

Now, with your open hearts and minds I can tell you about my positive experience with meditation and how I believe it can do the same for you.

I have to confess, the happiest part of my traveling life was when I was making room to meditate every day, but sadly, I have let myself slip out of habit and have not been dedicating enough time to allowing my mind room to rest. That is why this came as such a shock to me- it was an important reminder!

Just a few minutes a day is all you need to see benefits, it's not a large or crazy time commitment! I feel silly for letting something so positive slip off of my radar!

Last night, I decided to listen to a guided meditation for a deep, relaxing sleep while I was in bed.

A guided meditation is when there is someone speaking to you (usually over music), instructing your mind on how to follow the path. For a busy mind like mine, this is perfect (otherwise my mind tends to drift and I end up thinking about doing the dishes... a new recipe... Steemit posts....)

If you're just starting out, you might find that your mind wanders and that is completely fine, it's all part of the process.

If you're listening to a guide, just bring your attention back to the words and let your mind be free of the worry, stress and troubles that bind you to your day and allow the healing to come in.

I downloaded an app (it was free just search 'meditation' in the app/play store and find one you like- there are many!) and chose a relaxing, deep sleep meditation.**

I put my phone beside my bed, set a timer and let myself drift away.

The words gently summoned me into a state of relaxation... my body softened into my bed and my mind slowed with my deep breaths.

Don't knock it until you try it folks, it worked wonders for me.

Now, that's not to say that just because it worked for me, it will work for you but I say, no harm, no foul, it can't hurt to try tonight!

The benefits that can come from this quietening of the mind are astounding, I woke up filled with creativity, energy and vigor for the day! If you need a bit more evidence or information before you feel ready to dive in, I decided to include some research from psychologytoday to share with the unconvinced (I was once there, too!) 😉

Are you feeling pain? Are you ill?

Try it for your health!

Increases immune function

Decreases Pain

Decreases Inflammation at the Cellular Level

Would you like to be more happy? Are you feeling down at all? Maybe a bit depleted...?

Increases Positive Emotion

Decreases Depression

Decreases Anxiety

Decreases Stress

Would you like to be more connected to friends and family?

Try it for your social life!

Meditating can be done solo but (getting that image of the group back in your head) many groups gather to have collective meditation sessions. In these sessions, they teach you how to meditate and encourage connection to the group.

Increases social connection & emotional intelligence

Makes you more compassionate

Makes you feel less lonely

Are you being critical of yourself? Not giving yourself enough love?

Try it for your confidence! It really does make you feel better about yourself!

Improves your ability to regulate your emotions

Improves your ability to introspect

If you could power-up your brain, would you?

Increases grey matter

Increases volume in areas related to emotion regulation, positive emotions & self-control

Increases cortical thickness in areas related to paying attention

This is the part you are all going to like most- improved productivity! (Steemit posts start sky-rocking...)

Increases your focus & attention

Improves your ability to multi-task

Improves your memory

Improves your ability to be creative & think outside the box

So now that we know a bit about what meditation can do for you, are you excited to try it?

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Wishing you an embracing, healing sleep filling you up with creative dreams for your new Steemit posts!


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Good stuff,I am sleepless is because the market is down lately,so I'll be better off if goes up^_^

Well, until then let's all meditate and keep our portfolios closed ;)

I completely understand that! Don't let it worry you though, we all know it fluctuates and is pretty good at keeping us on our toes!

I hit refresh a few dozen times yesterday and wasn't too big of a fan of what I saw but, if we focus too much on what we don't want, we accidentally (according to the law of attraction) bring it into our lives.

I like to see the dips in the market as an opportunity, perhaps a shift in outlook could bring a better night's sleep? One where you are instead excited for the numbers you see, no matter the outcome?

If that doesn't help, maybe this will:
If Leo thinks it's cool to throw away money, it must be. ;)

Have a great day @davidding :)

"Money never made a man happy yet, nor will it. The more a man has, the more he wants. Instead of filling a vacuum, it makes one." --Benjamin Franklin


somethin to remember when having a hard time feeling sleepy, i have insomnia. thanks for sharing.

I hope it helps! Best of luck and I wish you a relaxing night's sleep!

Meditation is good for the body, mind and soul ❤

Thanks for sharing!

Completely agree! It's a wonderful tool that we carry within ourselves! My hope is that more people learn about it and that through finding its effects, the stigma against it goes away. :)
Sweet dreams my friend💜

Well watching boring videos was my trick, downloaded the twitch app, opnened any emotionless hearthstone streamer and falling asleep is no problem anymore :D

I do not recommend my way it is bad haha
twitch is like youtube, but for live streams on every kind of games (you watch others play games).

I haven't heard of the twitch app, I will have to check it out! I am a fan of sleeping so I am happy to hear other ways ;)

Sweet dreams @rizatr


Tried that already, doesn't seem to work for me. My mind is working so fast that I can even focus on the meditation.

@alphapack that's how I felt too... it does take some getting used to. It's all about bringing your mind back to the meditation (no matter how many times you have to try before it works) It can be really frustrating, that's where a good guide helps me tremendously! I am going to be honest, my mind ALWAYS strays, but I just have to keep training myself to come back, zone in, keep it concentrated and it gets easier and easier every time! I wake up with all of the ideas I missed however ;)
I hope this helps :)

Wonderful.. It's educative and nice.. Don't forget to follow me @jakemore

Upvoted and resteemed for the good of all!

Super post - thank you for sharing this important healthy info!


Hey @icedrum, I promise you it is my pleasure :) I am always looking forward to sharing the information that made my life better, day brighter and smile bigger 💜
Thanks for sharing- I hope you have a lovely night's sleep!

Please, try the WIm Hof Method :)

Hi @jjjjosue! I actually have tried it and really recommend it :)

Thanks for the suggestion though, I'll have to bring it back into my routine!

Hmmmm...this guided meditation wouldn't have happened to be on Spodify would it?

I'm sure there are some on there but I downloaded an actual app from the app store that has different options depending on what you're after. In my case, I was looking for a relaxing/sleep one... I'd give it a go, type it in. I know youtube has them but they have horrible ads that will disrupt you so I don't so much recommend it.

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