My Day 019 - Overview & Comfort Zone

in #life6 years ago

It's Monday morning, let's start with an overview of last week, which is really disappointing.

Healthy Eating / Caloric DeficitXXVXXVV
Study DatascienceVXVVVXX
Coffee < 4XXXVXVX
Daily WritingVXVVVVV
Total %:50506350385038


This is really bad. I didn't even reach half of my goals. I started writing here to keep my motivated to do everything, but I'm ashamed now. Next week I want it above 80% to call it a success.

Comfort Zone

I'm too much in my comfort zone. I watch to much television and I like to just be inside the house when it's this cold. To go to the gym is like a bike ride of 10 minutes, but I always find an excuse not to go, like it's raining or I will go tomorrow. Then I say to myself this is the last day I will be sitting at home doing useless stuff. This way it's never going to change.

I played professional tennis when I was younger. I was in a kind of mode back then that made me very productive, also outside the tennis court. Even when I had to stop playing tennis and started at university I kept this work mode with me to stay fit and to get my projects done. Somewhere in my end 20's I lost this mode and just wanted to stay in my comfort zone. I think it's just some kind of behavior I learned myself. I need to re-learn everything again. I need to do painful things everyday. And with painful I mean going to the gym even if it's raining and just finish my data science and other work. I never work late. In the afternoon I start watching useless things.

Someone told me a few weeks a go that you can chill out just to recover for what you had reached that day or week. Something he got from monk mode. Working on yourself and after that you can get a reward of watching a Netflix serie. I mostly reward myself after doing nothing or not enough. I will start today. I'm going to work until I finished everything I need to do. 100% achievement and then some recovery chill out and then tomorrow again!

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