in #life7 years ago

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Hello again friends,

Im my last post I wrote about the massive lessons and insights this meditation has bought into my life. I said I would type it out and post it as my next post...so here it is!

It is a guided meditation by Sara Blondin and is available on You Tube. She is quite an angel with words.


With in your body lives your soft and gentle soul.
It has dreams, ideas and desires.
It lives quietly with in you, whispering its wishes to you from the moment you wake, to the land of your dreams as you sleep.
It works tirelessly, in hopes that you will act and give yourself what you are deeply longing to experience and express. The calls from your very depth come as insights and visions, bursting to the surface where you can either choose to breathe them to life, or stifle them. If you choose to stifle them like so many of us do, to stifle this part of you, the soul then becomes heavy.
When it has been dishonoured countless times there is a light missing in its eyes.
A deep loneliness sensed in the background. When we stop ourselves from listening to this inner call, we restrict and hinder our growth and actually pull ourselves from a place of bliss, the very place we are all longing to live from.
We choose different illusions and definitions of safety and denial rather than listening and acting.
We refuse to move as it feels to "risky" to be guided by our heart and soul.
Our instincts then become dulled as we are constantly choosing disharmony for ourselves by not honouring what is trying to grow.
Our souls then sadly living in unfavourable conditions for we keep pushing them further and further away from the light of day. We begin to forget that life is happening for us, not to us.
However when we choose to listen and breathe life into our whispers all our being rejoices. We become full and luminous in light of the most divine brilliance.
By choosing to live in union with that your soul keeps gently pushing nudging you toward, you give all other souls permission to do the same.
We then become a beacon of hope, setting off a ripple effect of people choosing to stand in their souls call. The more you listen when asked, the more you begin to see and believe that through your soul guidance your flourish.
You touch source.
You fill with bottomless joy.
The joy you deeply desire and deserve.
A nagging emptiness will follow you if you cease to acknowledge what wishes to live through you.
Treat your inner whispers as your lifes work.
Your soul, your being must be respected and honoured. A deep reverence should be paid for the life that lives there with in you. After all, it helps hold your greatest joy and way to your true happiness.
Its time to meet your voice from with in, the face of your soul.
Its time to listen to all it wishes to say.
Its time to allow it room to breathe, to feel it grow from a whisper to a round and full octive.
Let it come forth from the belly of your being, out from your lips, carried on your breath, your truth now spoken in the open air pulled out from he shadows.
It is ours to nurture and care for just as we care for a new born child.

Close your eyes now.
Go inside and find that soft and sweet voice.
There inside you chest.
Feel how it lights up once its recognised.
Feel how how to grows more full, more wild and free in front of you.
Take a moment to love it. Let it move and stretch in your loving gaze.
Apologies for all the years and times you quieted its loving whispers.
Apologise for all the times you couldn't find the courage to listen .
Tell your deepest self that you are here now. Tell your deepest self that you are present and willing to listen to all the ways you wish to live. All of the ways your soul wishes to grow and move. Breathe there for a moment enjoying the company with in yourself. Enjoying the light with in you. Feel how nourishing it is to stop running away from. Feel the simplicity of the gifts there with in you.
Your souls request hold your greatest wealth. Your greatest life. Your very dreams. May i ask you what is worth more than that recognition? May I ask you what is worth more than the gifts of life that are seeking to find you? May I ask you how much longer you are willing to starve the life with in you?
Those who live the fullest we often look to with a sort of envy, a type of jealousy, for we long to have the courage to follow our souls call, for from where they stand life is bounding forth in different colours and flavours. It is calling to us, calling our souls to come closer, showing us the vibrancy we too can live from but only once we bow down to the one with-in. Bring it forth from its place of whispering. Give it the keys to our kingdom, and allow it to take is to where we know its most nourishing life.
The call of your souls is not to be taken lightly dear lovers. This call is not to be dismissed. Give yourself the gift of your very soul. It was always there with in you, waiting, wishing, hoping for you to listen and it is ready to take you to the land of dreams manifest. It has the map to your freedom and joy.

-------- End Of Meditation

Honestly, I don't want to add anything else here except to say that these words are so beautiful.

Have a lovely day and I hope you enjoyed this post even a quarter as much as I enjoyed listening to this.

Headlessjess xo

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