Who Is This Man (Part 2)

in #life6 years ago

He turns the automatic mode on and he starts the day. The next thing he's aware of is being on his desk, at work, thinking "Who is this man I'm supposed to play his role for the rest of my life?"

He must've been through a lot of schools and universities to come to this point. Am I capable to carry out his life for him? Do I have what it takes to do so? Most of all; Do I deserve this life of his? This job? Can I do it?

He keeps wasting time. Knowing exactly what's expected of him, but not knowing what's expected first. So he keeps doing stuff and leaving it unfinished. Maybe because he doesn't have the resolve to finish it. Maybe because he doesn't think he needs to finish them just yet.

Then comes the first urgent task to do; A visit from the manufacturers of one of the most expensive machines in the factory. They came to do a casual preventive maintenance task, yet they don't seem to know what they need to do. He brings them the guide and explains it to them then helps them execute it.

Then his boss calls him and he asks him to explain to him how he did a certain report. He was supposed to do it. I did it for him, now he wants me to teach him how to do it?

That's how his days seem to be going, maybe for the rest of his life. Doing his own job, helping his boss, his colleagues, even those who have up to twenty years of experience, and the subcontractors do theirs, tell them what to do and how, and sometimes doing it for them.

I was stupid to ever doubt I deserved the job. Now I think it doesn't deserve me.


This is me at my current job. Graduated a year ago and was given a senior possition in the automation industry.

At first I thought there was no way I could fill thia role, but after doing the job for a year I wonder why they pay so well for such an easy job...

You are right.... the job dosent deserve ALL of your time. Take some time to accomplish your own work in life. To fullfill other people's dreams in exchange for a little bit of paper is the crime of the century IMHO.

Don't fall into the trap. Keep yourself engaged and challenged. Keep growing... cause if your not growing your dying.

Good luck to you and thanks for the good advice.
Automation was what I studied the most too :)
Nice to meet you

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