Alright Day Today. Thoughts On Money Consumer Programming.

in #life6 years ago (edited)

Got through the work day. Pretty tired again by the end of the day. Relaxed out a bit, ate more homemade soup. Still thinking about the paranoid society. The crazed haze society. It's difficult to live in this consumer based society. I don't like it. I don't very much like the current money paradigm. I don't like living under threat. If your dependent on money to survive you are under threat. You have to adhere to all these institutions to survive in the current society. They only know buying and selling. Indifference to how you feel. It's like we all live in a giant penal colony called earth.

I want to forget it and find the stride. I don't want to live in the money tax paradigm. In fact the only comfort I can find resides outside of it, beyond it. Can't tolerate polluting the earth and cultural genocide in the name of progress. Harder to live and breathe, species of animal are disappearing, costs of living keeps going up. Even if you make some legitimate money it will taxed to about half. So look at any so called money, double it and then you will know it is only worth half as much. Money is garbage. It's too much trouble for what it's worth. This culture stinks. If your only aspiration is to have big toys and a nice house, to go on vacation then I think you are brainwashed. They've got nothing.

The paranoid society seems to be there to drive you bonkers, to fuck you up, a harsh hazing ritual. That is what all this fear of telling the government and corporations everything. It's part of the control trip haze. Yea the Facebook thing is scary, having info on social media and the internet is scary. If you try to be independent in any way they could track you easily. Who wants to live in fear living under the radar. I wouldn't even want to do that. Don't want to have to play their game. Don't subscribe to their program.

I don't want to be a work drone that consumes like a robot. Being stressed all the time overworking, then doing harmful things, or anti-social things to vent your frustration to keep normal. To keep going like an idiot and think this is as great as it's gonna get. Just big box shopping stores, no mom and pop stores any more. Just everything fake. Every fake product continues to poison everything. People aren't cared about. Only the money. Just rip and burn the earth, poison and power trip the people. Go to war, live under nuclear threat. So some billionaires can earn a few more billion. Like fuck, I don't know what else to rant on about. LOL

Well good to get it out a bit so I can get onto something else later. Or come back at the same kinda topic with a different perspective, improved perspective, more information. More clarity instead of sounding like just a rant. Get to the heart of the problem. Find out what are my true values. Don't want to let the paranoid society freak me to go insane so they can drag me away as a mental patient, to continue to put me down. I had that feeling before, like the culture wants you to feel guilty for being alive. That's what the concept of original sin was like too in religion. To feel guilty for being born. That's nonsense! I don't like that either...getting a birth certificate and all this. Being deemed to be something without having a choice or a voice in the matter. I feel that frustration city!

Well glad I wrote something out. Almost didn't feel like it. I always seem to feel better after I do though. Now I will wind down for the night and go to sleep! Looking forward to tomorrows adventure!


"It's like we all live in a giant penal colony called earth." HAHA! That's EXACTLY what it is. In fact, there is even some speculation amongst "psychics" that there ALREADY exists a colony on Mars (developed by a black ops secret space program since the 60s) in which THOSE humanoid Mars colonists are living in essentially the same PRISON as we are, and we simply don't know about each others' existence. As I am a strong believer in the potential of extra-terrestrial life (humanoids AND non-humanoid) this would make perfect sense based on the general human rights situation we see here Earth. Of course, there are cultures on Earth (like many Asian ones) where EVEN LESS of a sh*t is given for people's basic human right, BUT to assume that the level we have in M'mrrrka is WAY BETTER than most is one built on a foundation fo ignorance and/or brainwashing... Another one of your best posts...

Even if none of that is true, as in where the psychics come in, it makes a good mystic sort of metaphor for what if feels like to live under the current laws, pop culture and economic system. That's where science fiction can come in handy I suppose, although I don't like how they yuppy up the technology in sci fi like when Star Trek invented the cell phone. That hasn't done good for pollution. Then you look at the other side of techy consumer products - it's all gangsterism fuelled! The dealers needed the pagers, the cell phones, now even the crypto currencies it could seem. Just saying cell-phones would not even be as popular without the black market. Some more thoughts. Thanks for the comment. May come back to this later too, a bit tired right now.

Yup, that was the INTENTION of bringing the issue up. Like, "let's just make pretend" that there is a colony of humanoids on Mars. Would it NOT be REASONABLE to assume that they are likely living in the same sort of prison that we are? Yes, the new technology PRIMARILY just amplifies the CARNAL DESIRES of most humans who are living at the primal level. Unfortunately, this is - and likely ALWAYS HAS been the norm. The MINORITY of "higher humans" who have higher goals, and more sophisticated intellectual and creative lives will ALSO always exist, and use the new technologies for higher purposes. The problem is that the "lower humans" are the ones who tend to be "in your face"...

Another wonderful and interesting topic for blogging by @havok777
Wel done sir..

Thanks for the compliment,

The idea is very beautiful. You have everything.

Feeling better all the time really.

Wonderful analysis about life.....Currently, we can not enjoy life without money.To survive well in life, the money is very much needed.......At present, the social system is only related to buyers and consumers your ideas are absolutely right........We have to come out of this purchase sale........

I think we should switch to universal basic income, that could be a good start

that's great...

Well done.& thanks

Good programming
I like it your every Post
Thanks for sharing

Wonderful programming..

Very nice picture @havok777

yes I agree, life is only dependence on money, will make life depressed, like colonization giant

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