A successful marriage :)

in #life8 years ago

We find often marriage lasts for many years without drastic or significant disagreements problems affect the relationship, there are some secrets that if Atbotaiha successful marriage Staaha on for years and years.

  • Do not underestimate the value of a question your partner about his day details of how it was in the work, this is the aesthetics should become routine to your life every day and with the approaching end of the day Sit with your spouse and Lassalle for his day details and give him enough space to tell to what happened to him during the day and therefore Yet continued Stjdi time is of initiates Bsalk about how your day was, interest in the other party must not be interrupted between you and interest in and care should be the basic features of marital Alaqatkma.

  • Must learn that he would be the two of you are some differences and problems, this is normal, but it Machines should be these differences and conflicts cause of the success of the marriage for a long time be a must and not affect these differences negatively on your relationship, conflicts and disagreements Kalasirar should not be out of the two of you, when the occurrence succession or a problem between you no matter how big is not resolved to leave the house by either the wife or the husband, Sitting together and non-interference of one in ending the dispute between you will be much better, and remember that differences no matter how big and complex will not be the end of a marriage is not thinking about it, and make understanding lifestyle between you in order to preserve the success of your marriage for a longer period.

  • Should Taatqubla relations have come with responsibilities and life obligations after marriage or link different, life is between you ye Monday is different from life Bmvrdekma, and we have to Taatqubla hobbies your partner even though they were not in line with your life Difference Ward in marital relations and you its understanding offset and therefore will also be your husband like you accept your hobbies that are not in line with him at times, you are the main driver in the marital relationship Vdoma initiative comes from you, and in time he will do it like you do not worry, Vldman successful your marriage for a long time and continuity must Being next to your husband at all times and participatory hobbies, if you not Thabay mixing with others and requires your husband's work that must begin to accept that it's not Taatrkih at events alone, and you also if you do not like social events and weddings, you accept it for your wife do not leave it to go to any occasion alone, I will not forget you this position, but if you go with them I would appreciate you so much.

  • Must be honest with ourselves in a marital relationship, there Throwaway things that are not imagined pair and be very important when the wife is a celebration of the holidays and private events. For example, under any circumstances should not leave your wife the night of Eid alone or when her parents house they must spend this night with them in an atmosphere of romance, this is the stuff differentiate much in the relationship between you and does not take you to a time or effort Just sitting with her in the house and watching television on the night of the feast would be very happy not leave it alone and ensures with your friends, and if it was necessary to go to the house your family or among her family formed together anywhere Do not let another for any reason, Valmnaspat for the two of you should Taathaol to remember You can then recorded on your phone so does he remind you automatically and thus will not be a problem here between you and your wife to forget Mnaspatkma own dates simple Valammer.

  • Small surprises could be the reason for the success of your marriage and continue for a long time, when you return from work bought for your wife chocolate of the kind that Tvdah are or ice cream or anything you like, a bouquet of flowers will not cost you anything but Stafrq too with your spouse and the impact was positive to your marriage and Alaqatkma, and I know that your wife remain throughout the day the housework and the interest in your work and the kids do not skimp by surprise make them happy.

  • It is not necessary to be between you and your spouse mutual friends, this is not a defect, this is normal, but in the future it is possible to know a pair girlfriend to your spouse and vice versa so that the two of you friends subscribers if not do not worry, this will not affect the Alaguenkma.

  • Kiss your spouse when you return from work and before leaving the house at the end of the day it will not take you to the time or effort, but Stafrq in your relationship and influence on the psyche of your spouse, this is for her the attention of a particular kind is happy and makes them happy throughout the day and waiting for your return eagerly.

  • Allocated day of the month in which sit together outside the home in order to be transformed home atmosphere and work and the many responsibilities that are throughout the month, Vlalh only one Stafrq in marital Satkma and your relationship as intimate.

  • Deal with your wife and your family like your family and vice versa too, should be growing up your husband's family as if the second family, and this way you will not find problems of the parents.

  • Say to your wife, "I love you" without any occasion, Vstbut where happiness and appetite for life and will not cost you anything, and try that abound in the saying, and when you find cumbersome and not in full dress sense have to say I love you Vstafrq it a lot when you feeling love in all their conditions do not abound to form a cumbersome.

  • When your wife is sick and not able to go out and you have a date with one of your friends or your family members do not leave it alone, I sit with them and make them soup and take whatever the illness this simple beside them, when you are tired. She will be in Ajtaajha you to the summit, the fact that sympathetic with them to the farthest limits are the spouse The first person who have the right to earn Hanank and sympathy.

  • There is no problem if you help her in the home business of supporting the door no more, it does not affect your manhood as something that some men think.

  • Do not make jokes at the expense of Bedkma other, do not cut it in front of others or the two of you, for Ahazzar humor, it is your spouse must be respected well in front of the other and you and them Vkramtha of your dignity, and vice versa does not harnessing of your spouse in front of others.

  • I choose the right time to talk about something, Time is a big factor in how the end of the dispute, there is no Taatnaakeca with your husband after returning from a direct action ambitious goals have temperament is not in the best case and be fatigued and tired does not increase his situation worse.

  • Must Being in a row your spouse in front of the other and vice versa in a row that the spouse in front of others, not for any reason, cornering front of others, it is possible to sit down with them and correct them Bmvrdekma Khtaiha without causing wounded dignity in front of others.

  • Leave a space of freedom for your spouse and vice versa, there is no need to worry when your husband goes out with his friends there is no need to fabricate problems when your spouse happy return after leaving with her friends, are you Valenhaah which you do not need to worry.

  • Respond to text texts between you, if your spouse loves to send you text messages throughout the day or over the means of communication Kalwats August or Weber, there's no reason to ignore them even though they were trivial answer them do not take the answer from you only a few seconds but Stafrq it often does not deprive them of these joy .
    Do not travel and you are at odds with it, Vvrack in itself makes them sad and weak, opened any conditions F. reasons not to travel and leave it at odds with you even if they are at fault, the patron sense Fmhaar women are very different from the feelings of men, they are more of you sensitive.

  • Not everything in life requires the arrangement and preparation The things that come spontaneously is best With so much of that attend to them before the duration, practice of sex morning without arranging it affect your relationship a lot and makes it more friendly and closer, after a tiring day of work you have Aazmha dinner at any simple place without preparation, he brought her a simple gift I've found by chance and you're going through one of the malls, spontaneous the things have a big impact on your spouse.

  • Loved each other without restrictions, conditions or unprecedented agreements, Love instinctive relationship does not attend to them or need certain arrangements to be, Love lies in the simplicity of expression and feelings


Horribly difficult to read.

Still excellent advice. My wife and I employ most of this in our marriage and we're doing amazingly well. 15 years and deeply, happily in love. :)

Unfortunately there is a problem in the language

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