Thoughts on Memorial Day vs Veterans Day **Call To Action For Veteran Suicide Prevention** #22KILL

in #life7 years ago

So we have all heard that please do not thank a veteran for their service on Memorial Day. It is a day for honoring those who have passed in service to our great country.

wreath in front of Tomb.jpg

Thank them on Veterans Day. Not on Memorial Day. I get it. And I agree. I have informally polled a few friends of mine about this subject. All currently serving or retired military. Most do not like to be thanked for their service. To them it is a job just like anyone else has. And it makes them uncomfortable.

I cannot fathom the absolute heartbreak that some of these kids endure having their friends die in battle and the emotional scars that are left on their souls. I have kids (I call them kids because I'm 38) that come into my shop that have seen more Hell than any one person should be exposed to. And if you ask them they would all do it over again in a heartbeat. They live with the guilt that they made it home and others close to them did not.

It is hard for me to suppress my sheer gratitude for the sacrifices these brave men and women have made. I am afforded a life and family and standard of living that most in the world do not enjoy because of their commitment to our freedom. A simple handshake or thankyou is a small price to pay for that freedom.

22 veterans on average commit suicide every day. Not just young soldiers but older vets as well. This is a national tragedy that is completely preventable. Just having someone to reach out to could mean the difference in a veterans life. Consider getting involved in suicide prevention in veterans. We owe them so much more than this.

Consider volunteering or donating to Even if you only purchase an Honor Ring or do pushups to raise awareness. Or even simply sharing this post.


What is the meaning of the rings? The Honor Ring™ is a black band worn on the index finger as a “silent salute” to all veterans, past and present. This ring is a symbol of respect and simply says that you support those who have served our country.


I have heard it said that Memorial Day is not just a day of car sales, BBQs and drinking/partying. And I a point. It absolutely is a day to honor and remember those who died. It is also a day to celebrate life and love and freedom that their sacrifice paid for. What better way to honor our brave men and women than to live well? To enjoy what makes America great? They live on through our freedom. Have a beer (or six) in their honor. But pause and reflect for a moment why we have this day off. Savor your family and loved ones, keeping in mind that someone paid the ultimate price for you. Live your life well.


In conclusion. I wish you all a safe and happy holiday. Be kind to each other. Love each other. You could be the difference in a soldier's life.

Peace, HM


Excellent tribute to those soldiers who didn't make it back, and those who did. Live well but remember the fallen. Have a good holiday!

Thanks man. Much love to you and yours.

Fair Warning. If you are a veteran, I'm probably gonna shake your hand. Maybe even give you a big biker bear hug. I can't help it.

"It is foolish and wrong to mourn the men who died. Rather we should thank God that such men lived." --General George S. Patton

I know it's cliche but it's worth repeating, freedom is not free! Love the post!

Not cliche at all.

Appreciate it. Followed and resteemed.

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