Have you experience Bullying? What kind of bullying you had experienced? What can you say about Cyber Bullying?

in #life6 years ago

View the original post on Musing.io

This question made me remember how I was bullied in school by some seniors who were very muscular and popular for their bullying act towards the juniors. I was actually bullied thrice on different occasions and I will take my time to explain how it happened.

The first time I was bullied was when I was in secondary school during my O level days. There were some seniors who were known for their nature of bullying during my secondary school days. I used to try as much as possible to avoid them due to the things I have been hearing about them. I am a coward and I knew it. I can't fight and this is why I am always scared to get bullied.

One day, we were in our break period and everyone was happy to leave the class to have fun or to eat or do any other activity since it was break time. I decided to go get some snacks and drinks just to quench my hunger and thirst. While I was going, I heard that thick voice calling me "Hey You come here!". My heart beat increases rapidly with fear growing all over my body. I already knew I was going to get bullied because I was stopped by one of those registered bullying seniors who were known for their habit of bullying. He told me to give him money and I gave him due to my high level of cowardice. I wasn't able to buy my best snacks and drink because the money with me wasn't enough 😢.

My second experience was when I gained admission to study in a polytechnic. I actually never liked that polytechnic in the first place because it was full of cultists. Most people who graduated from that polytechnic had warned me to be very careful in my dealings with people because there were cultists everywhere. The bad guys are ready to oppress and deal with anyone who doesn't obey their rules in the midst of all students.

I was actually going to withdraw from an ATM in the school premises. I saw two - three guys sitting at one side beside the road. I walked by them with my friend ignoring them even though I was scared the way they were looking at me. After I had withdrawn my money from the ATM, it was time to go back to class with my friend. While we were going, these two guys blocked us and told us they want to see us even though their faces looked very scary. I was already shivering because I already knew I had fallen in the hand of cultists.

I noticed one of the bad guy looking at my dressing and I was thinking maybe it was due to my black dressing combination. This is really what some of those cultists hate alot. Their leader told us that we should give him the money we just withdraw from the ATM. I was already shaking and I was about to give them due to my cowardice but my brave friend told me to keep the money back in my pocket. The area was very scarce of people because it was a remote area. I was already thinking that what if these bad guys kill us with their gun even though they had none 😀. My friend told them we can't give you any money because we want to use our money to buy textbooks!. One of the bad guy went to my friend facing him with anger but my brave friend was just smiling.

Immediately I saw a cab coming towards our side, I had to stop the cab with the intention of running away from them because I can't bear their oppression. I tried to stop the cab and the cab man waited for us. The bad guys told us not to leave and they threatened harm us if we leave their vicinity. My brave friend got hold of my hand and walked with me inside the cab and we headed back to classroom. I was just very scared thinking they will come for us in the classroom but my friend told me they were just teasing us just to put my mind at rest. Unfortunately, we missed a test due to that incident that occurred and I wasn't happy about it because I needed to have a good grade in that course 😢. I just had to let it go and till today I can't find none of those bad guys 😀😀.

My last experience happened when I got admitted into the University. I don't really know why these bad guys love to bulky every new intakes or freshers. I was on my way to the mosque and I had the intention of buying hot bread that same night. I was walking very fast and I saw a very popular cultists coming towards me. He told me "Do you want to fight with me?" I was already shaking and shivering because he is a popular known cultists. I told him No sir with a shaking voice and fear all over me. He then told me to give him money to buy food because he was hungry. I had to give him the money I wanted to use to buy my bread then he left peacefully. I ran very fast to avoid him seeing me and calling me back again.

After this experience, I then decided it was time for me to stop getting bullied by people. I had to start doing things that will build my confidence and I also take part in some self defense tutorials with exercises not left out. I can now say my level of cowardice is now reducing compared to before.

To answer your second question which states that "what can you say about cyber bullying ?"

Cyber bullying is when people say wrong things about you either by slandering, libel, backbitting about you on the internet. Most celebrities do experience this kind of bullying because every bloggers wants to generate traffic to their website or blog.

Cyber bullying is a very bad habit to engage in and it has caused lots of problems, suicide and depression for people involved in the case. I hope every bloggers will do away with cyber bullying and I hope every Bully person who do away with the habit of bullying.

In conclusion, It is always okay if we make this world a better place by eradicating bullying and cyber bullying away from our lives and environment. Let's stand up for people who got bullied and let's build up their confidence. Let's punish all oppressors and curb out the habit of oppression and bullying

Thanks for reading and I hope this helps

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