Are you happy with the person that you have become? Are there any qualities that you would like to change about yourself?

in #life6 years ago

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I am very much interested in this question as it conforms with what is really happening in my life recently due to the habit of self development I have been practicing this recent weeks.

As an individual, it is always advisable you engage in self evaluation to check out for things you lack or your shortcomings which may affect your way of life or deprive you from attaining happiness and success in life. I decided I was going to involve my self in this course because I needed it the most in other to become a happy person. I will share my experiences with you so that you may learn from this and I will also make it more explicit for proper comprehension.

I used to be a very shy person maybe because I am introverted naturally or maybe because I was brought up that way. My parents never allowed me to go outside when I was a kid and this is why I was always indoors. Sometimes I may go outside and play with my friends whenever my parents were not around because I saw this as an opportunity then but I will run drastically inside the house whenever I sight my parents car coming home.

I was freed a little when I was admitted in a boys only college but they never allowed me visit my friends houses except they already know the person. All I did then was just to go to school and come back home. I sometimes I make use of the closing period to visit some of my friends and engage in some fun activities before getting home because I knew I was going back to that prison again. My parent just wanted me to be a good person and socialize with good people which is why I don't blame them for taking such decision towards me. Our environment isn't that conducive for good people because they were lot of corrupt people who could implicate one's life without knowing.

I was fortunate to pass my University Entrance Examination which made me got admitted to further my education in my dream course. My first day in the university was just to horrible and terrific for me because it was a different world entirely. I now have to do things alone, I now have to make some decisions myself, I won't be able to meet my parents and hood friends 24/7 unlike before because my school is very far from home. I began getting adapted to the environmental system but I am finding it difficult to do away with some personal traits or character which has developed inside me due to my upbringing and introverted nature.

One day, we were having a course presentation and my team leader had already selected those who were going to speak or present and those who were going to answer questions that may be asked by the inspectors and lecturers involved. I wasn't selected and this made me very happy because "I couldn't speak in public". After the presentation was over, it was time to entertain questions from the lecturers, a lecturer asked a question and one of the selected student answered the question correctly. That same lecturer asked another question and he said I will choose who will answer my question. The lecturer said "that guy in white answered my question" which was me. I had to pretend like I didn't hear because my heart was just beating very fast with fear and anxiousness. I wasn't stable!. He pointed towards me and a guy from my team tapped my shoulder and told me "you are called to answer the question on the stage".

When I got to the stage, my legs were shaking and my voice was shaking with tears in my eyes because I wasn't confident enough to speak in public places due to my introverted nature. I told him can I tell you the answer privately? He said I want the answer publicly right here and right now. Despite the I knew the answer to his simple question, I had to lie to him that I can't answer his question due to my lack of confidence and this really affected the grade of my teammates including me myself.

My introverted nature has also deprive me from mixing with the opposite sex such that I feel very shy to speak with ladies. I used to run away for ladies even though most of those ladies were madly in love with me. I also don't make friends with people because I am just always scared speaking with people due to my introverted nature.

I then decided I was going to put an end to all these obstacles that may obstruct me from getting happy and successful in my life. I had to check on Google to help me with the habit I can perform to become confident. I already knew I was suffering from "low self esteem" and the lack of confidence. This is why I decided to get the solution to my problem on the internet through the use of Google.

I have read alot of blogs, articles and books that has to do with developing one's self confidence and I was able to conclude that they were all arriving at one thing which is "Action or Practice".

If I continue to keep reading books and blogs, I will still remain the same if I don't develop any driving force that would make me to act or practice. I had to start talking in low gathering of people just to build my confidence in speaking even though it wasn't easy. I had to start calling some of my friends who were ladies just to build my confidence when talking with ladies even though I do feel very scared and I am not yet good at this. I just had to keep developing my self and working on my weaknesses just to become happy and successful because "good interaction and confidence can make you succeed in your career provided you are doing it the right way."

I can now confidently tell you that I am not where I used to be before. I am now a bit improved even though I still lack some little things. But I am happy with this and I am still working on myself to bring out the best out of me.

Are you happy with the person that you have become?

Yes, I am happy with the person I have become even though I am not there yet. I now have little confidence in me than before. Also as they do say "half loaf is better than none". I was also able to make few friends unlike before and I don't run for ladies anymore 😁😁😀.

Are there any qualities that you will like to change about yourself?

Yes! There are many qualities that I wish to change about myself. We all know we can't get 199% perfect has human beings but there are still some qualities I wish to change about myself apart from low self esteem, shyness, lack of confidence, fear of interacting and running away from the opposite sex. I wish to adopt the quality of "Not caring about what others will say about you".

Yes! I truly need to get that quality because most people today can't live their life happily all because they are scared of what people will say about them. Most people can't do what is right because they are scared of what people will say about them. Most people can't wear what they want and they can't use what they feel like using because they are scared of what people will say about them. Most people can't engage in act they wish to engage in because they are scared of what people will say about them.

I do wish to change that mindset because I don't want to care what people will think about of me provided I it is making me happy and adding more value to my life.

Thanks for reading and I hope this helps.

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