We Carry Each Other Forward

in #life8 years ago

Even opponents can carry each other forward.

This is what pure class looks like.

Last night's Oscars ceremony was filled with many inspirational speeches (and one huge mistake). Even many of the commercials attempted to provide uplifting messages.

One such commercial was for Cadillac.

The theme of the commercial is "We carry each other forward". It is an amazing message for individuals, communities, countries and even experimental social media sites.

There were many amazing visuals that stood out in this commercial. But there was one that many may not have understood. I know my wife didn't. As soon as the commercial was over, I turned to explain a two second long clip of two softball players carry a third.

I had remembered this story from seeing it on ESPN many years ago. I will never forget it.

On April 26, 2008, Sara Tucholsky of Western Oregon University stepped to the plate in what would be her final at bat of her softball career. She had never hit a home run. In the 2nd inning of that game, with two runners on, Tucholsky hit her first and only home run.

Apparently she was so excited, she missed first base. When she doubled back to touch it, she tore a ligament in her knee and could no longer walk.

The umpires gathered and properly ruled that Tucholsky could not be carried by her own coaches or teammates. However, the umps misinterpreted the next part of the rule and stated that if she were removed for a pinch runner, her hit would only count as a single.

Her one and only homer would be taken away.

Even though the umpires had made an error, it didn't matter. They made their call. Tucholsky would never have a homer.

Then her opponents made their call.

The opposing first baseman, Mallory Holtman, heard the conversation and asked the umpires if she could assist Tucholsky to home plate.

The umpires agreed to allow it.

Holtman and her teammate Liz Wallace picked up and carried their opponent around the bases. They squatted down so Tucholsky could touch each one.

Who won the game?

Everyone who witnessed that moment of perfect sportsmanship and compassion.

Let's carry each other forward.

Image Link



I remember this story when it hit, as it was in a time of my life when I wrote mostly about sports. If anyone isn't moved by their story, I'd say that there's something wrong in the heads. This is what sportsmanship is all about, and I just wish that life imitated this more.

Who won the game?

Everyone who witnessed that moment of perfect sportsmanship and compassion.

This summed it up perfectly. If only compassion wins out every time, then there would be no need for disagreements to become violent, or to even last long. Everyone is going through something, so it's the best option to be kind always. The two opposing players didn't have to do what they did, they even risked losing the game, but they put Sara's achievement first, and that's very telling about the capacity of people to do good.

Thanks for sharing this here. It's nice to have a look back at this wonderful moment in sporting history.


With so much cruelty and pain in this world, the last thing we need is for the people around us to be tearing us down. We have to be the ones that build each other and ourselves up! Let's do this!

Very inspiring post, Han!

Thanks! You have been a very powerful force here. Your art is amazing and you go out of your way to support others. You get it.

I'm glad you feel that way!
Keep being awesome man, and thanks for everything. :)

It's beautiful post!!!
Great work my friend :)

Great post..thank you @hanshotfirst.greets

Beautiful story! I almost never watch the news anymore because all it ever seems to show is the horrors, glorifying all that is dark. But I know that these moments continue to happen, we need more of this showing up on our screens.
Thank you for sharing this!

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