See Amazing in All Children: Sesame Street Introduces its First Character with Autism

in #life8 years ago

For 48 years, Sesame Street has been educating people. They don't seem to be stopping anytime soon.

Julia is a budding artist!

Just because Sesame Street is a children's show doesn't mean adults can't learn from it as well. I have friends who are 1st generation children of immigrants who have told me that they and their parents started to learn English side by side while watching Sesame Street back in the 1970s.

The latest lesson is in acceptance... and it is a lesson that many people need to learn.

For the first time in the show's history, they have included a character who is on the Autism spectrum. (Man do I love that word "I-N-C-L-U-D-E-D"!)

Her name is Julia and she is a 4-year old little girl with bright red hair, a cute voice, and a fondness for bouncing and singing.

Oh yeah and she happens to be on the Autism spectrum.

Although Julia "sees and does things a little differently", it doesn't stop her from being a good, fun, and loving friend.

That is a lesson that many people (regardless of age) need to learn. Not everyone knows a great deal about Autism. When people are ignorant about a subject, it can often lead to fear. Many times fear is manifested by either disliking something or simply avoiding it.

Sesame Street is clearly trying to help solve this problem by educating the public about Autism.

April is Autism awareness month.

1 in 68 children are diagnosed as being on the Autism spectrum. 1 in 10 are diagnosed with some type of disability. At some point, all children are going to get to interact with a person with a disability. Sesame Street is doing its part to turn ignorance and discomfort into acceptance and friendship.

I applaud them for their efforts!

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Super post, @hanshotfirst!

Autism is often given a bad name but some of the most brilliant people were and are autistic! (granted, it is not something that anyone wishes - but it's pretty damn difficult to just change the environment that has been created by humans..unless we head to the next planet, that is. lol)

I hope that more and more people will begin to look past the outward appearance and realize how incredibly special these kids are and how much they can add to society.

Btw, I saw this meme and thought of you:

You are always such a positive influence here on Steemit. Thank you for being the positive geek that you are. :)

Thanks man! I agree whole heartedly. It's all about perception. If you are looking for the good in people you will find it!

Agreed! You get what you ask for. :)

Oh man I almost forgot to compliment the transformer meme. That is awesome!!!

Thought you may like that!

I was not aware of this new development of Sesame street, that's very cool!

I have a nephew with severe autism. He's eighteen years old now and has never spoken, though there is something big going on behind those eyes, sometimes he'll focus on you and I'm telling you they are not dull by any means. He always wanders his way over to me when we visit, seemingly in his own world, but he knows I'm going to hug him and flashes me the briefest smiles when I do before wandering off again. When he was a child an abundance of stimulus would upset him to the point of violent fits, generally endangering himself and aside from his parents I was one of the few people who could calm him...and consequently one of the few who could babysit for him.

Its awesome that you notice that there is something going on behind his eyes. Something tells me it is because you tend to look for the best in people. Your nephew 9and his parents) are lucky to have you. I bet that you made his parents feel safe when you would babysit. That feeling you give them should never be under estimated.

I do strive for empathy, but of course you would recognize that as a man who devotes his life to teaching those with special needs. Only someone with a big heart for people would choose such an occupation. This is what your father-in-law is missing about you, and it's too bad. I for one would be ecstatic if my daughter married someone who chose a career in helping others over more money, because I would know that man would love her and be good to her all of her life.

I don't suppose you are in the market for a son in law. LOL (Although I'm pretty sure you are younger than me... would that be awkward?)
Seriously though, thank you. But it is a bit selfish. My job is really really fun.

Haha! I am in the later part of my thirties, and my daughter is sixteen ... so maybe a tad awkward, LOL.
I don't think that's selfish. I think being happy with your job also makes for a much better partner and father than if you were raking in money and miserable.

Oh golly, I meant adopting me or my wife lol. Didn't mean to take it there.

Oh God, haha, that's my fault! Yesterday was delivery day for the grapevines and I get up at four a.m., my brain is not functioning at optimal capacity by the end of those days, LOL.
Sure we'll adopt you all, we love a big family ;)

This is so cool @hanshotfirst what a great way to bring awareness to the world!

I know! I could not believe it when I read it. I was so excited. Kids are naturally caring and accepting. I think showing them that having a friend with a disability is just "different" and not "bad" will really help all kids.

Actually all kids are unique. Perhaps this will help kids to be confindent and happy with their own uniqueness as well as others.

I have never watched Sesame Street but it sure is nice that they are doing that :)

Also, funny I read this post now because I just watched this video:

Thanks! That is an awesome clip. I love the basket at the end!!!

@hanshotfirst, my best friend has three boys with autism, and I know he would especially appreciate this awesome post. Steem On!

Thanks man. Yeah I am really excited that kids with disabilities will be shown in the positive light they deserve. Tell your buddy to stay strong. 3 boys! Man I can't imagine being outnumbered! lol

Great message indeed. My stepson is one of those who went out and had to have that $100 dollar tickle-me Elmo doll back in the day...

Lol. We had a "chicken dance elmo". Why that was a "thing" is beyond me!

I am not even sure why the tickle me elmo was a thing either... he still has it to this day... it scares my 1 year old daughter lol

This is great news. My 6 year old nephew has ASD. I am really happy to know that some of his classmates may get learn that even though he has a tough time communicating, he can still be their friend.

This is exactly why I wrote this. I am imaging a generation of kids who won't think twice about becoming friends with a kid with disabilities. My son's best friend is on the spectrum.

Beautiful post!

Thanks man! I'm pretty psyched to see kids with disabilites getting some positive attention!

Nice post.!!!

I see all kinds of kids in my classrooms. Maybe I could incorporate Sesame Street in my English lessons. Thanks for the idea!

Good luck with it! What do you teach?

English. In primary school. I really love it, thanks for asking!

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