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RE: ALPHABATH: My Son Is Finally Learning To Speak

in #life7 years ago

Man this is awesome!!!!! You must be so excited. I'm excited for you! Being able to communicate verbally is going to be a game changer. A lot of people can't imagine how frustrating it is to not be able to say what they need.

I don't even know what to write. This is such a huge moment for your family. I don't think anything I write can be "big" enough.

Congrats! I hope he keeps taking these leaps.


Thanks. :)
The next step is a full sentence, even if it's only 3 words. His mom and I have talked about how we're certain he'll remember a time in his life when he remembers learning to speak. We thought back and neither of us can remember what it's like to be unable to speak, or even understand what someone was saying unless we refer to unfamiliar languages. However, we DO remember not being able to read, and we're pretty sure he can read a little - at least familiar keywords, probably not full sentences. So we wonder if he'll remember knowing how to read before knowing how to speak.

That will be a very unique perspective for him. I wonder if he will fall in love with reading because of that? (Which would be cool). He was able to read your verbal cues and respond appropriately with a letter response. That is huge!!! I really hope sentences come as quickly as possible ... but I know seeing any progress is a cause for celebration. So celebrate!!!! I'm really happy for your family.

I came to your page to see what you were up to and discovered this post. I'm glad you resteemed it, (but of course you would, that's just the type of man you are :) and I got a chance to read it :)

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