I still have not told my son the truth about Santa… and I never will.

in #life8 years ago

On Sunday I took my 11 year old son and 9 year old daughter to see Santa Clause. I assume my son no longer believes, but I'm not sure.

How can this be? What kind of dad doesn't know if his kid still believes in Santa?

I'll tell you what kind... the kind who doesn't want to know. Just like my son told me that he doesn't want to know.

Before I get too far into this, I feel its important to give my personal opinion on Santa. Some may argue that telling your kids that some jolly old fat guy travels around the entire world and delivers presents to 1 billion houses in one night is simply a huge lie. However, I look at the Santa story as pretending. A lie is meant to deceive. Usually lies are told in order to benefit the liar. "Pretending" on the other hand has nothing to do with deception or personal gain. Pretending is intended to be fun for all of those involved. So yes, I pretend that Santa is real... and I think my kids are OK. If others see things differently, I am completely fine with that. To each his own...

Now back to my son. Three years ago, I was very worried that my son was too immature. While his peers at school were watching sports and talking about Call of Duty and action movies, my kid was till playing Skylanders and watching cartoons. He was our first child, so I didn't have an older sibling to compare him to (not that it would have actually helped). I now know I was being absolutely ridiculous. He was, and still is, just fine. Kids develop different interests at different times. He was completely happy. Therefore, I was silly to worry.

During this momentary lapse of reason, I started to wonder if a 3rd grader were too old to believe in Santa. Would he be made fun of at school for still believing? Would another kid spill the beans and crush his dreams? Should we tell him preemptively in order to assure that we would be there to pick up the pieces of his broken heart? What if he figured it out on his own? He's pretty smart and understands science, so there was a real possibility he would. If he did, would he be angry with my wife and I for lying to him? There were so many questions. I needed some help.

One day, while I was eating lunch with some friends, I told them about my dilemma. I asked them, "When do you think I should tell Timmy that Santa isn't real?" Each of them gave some good advice. They each spoke about their own experience as either a child or a parent. Then my friend Lisa gave me the greatest advice ever. After everyone had their say, Lisa looked at me and said, "Never. You should never tell your son that there is no such things as Santa". She went on to explain that as soon as a parent says those words, all magic dies. Because it's not just Santa that is at stake. It's fairies, unicorns, leprechauns, wizards, dragons, and the idea that a movie could be filmed in a live volcano. Lisa was right. I was thinking that I would be doing my child a favor by taking the initiative and telling him the truth before he discovered it on his own.

But I was wrong. All I would have been doing is placing an arbitrary limit on his imagination... and his childhood. Kids should get to be kids for as long as they can.

Thank goodness I heeded this advice. Not only was my son not ready three years ago, he still isn't ready to hear those words from a trusted authority. Last year when we were alone together in the car, he asked, "Dad, is Santa real?". Being an experienced teacher, I simply asked, "What do you think?" Before the last word left my lips, he quickly and loudly said, "Never mind. I don't want to know. Please make me a promise that you will never tell me he's not real". I made that promise. He knew the truth. But he didn't want to know. He wanted magic to be real. He wanted to believe that he might actually see a dragon one day or that he may still receive a letter from Hogwarts. There was no way I would ever take that away from him. As long as he didn't hear me say those words, he could keep dreaming. He could keep being a kid.

This Sunday, as we all got dressed up to visit Santa, I asked Timmy if he was planning on sitting on Santa's lap this year. This was my way of signaling to him that I was aware that he knew... but that I would always keep my promise to never say those words. He smiled and told me that he did not want to this year. I assured him that this was fine and that he should do whatever felt right to him. Then he said, "But I'll still talk to him and take a picture with him... for MJ."

MJ is his 9 year old sister. Timmy was letting me know that he isn't going to take magic away from her just yet... which is good because on the way home, she asked if we could put food out for the reindeer this year.

Timmy exclaimed, "Of course!"

Tadaa... MAGIC! (What else can explain a big brother being nice to his little sister?)

How did you or your kids find out the truth?

For those who do not celebrate Christmas, is there anything similar in your religion or culture?

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Great post. They don't know yet. We do the elf on the shelf and really seem to believe it. I always grab my cowboy boots and track mud marks around the tile from the fireplace. Yet, my 8 year old has suspicions. She said she is going to check my handwriting with Santa's this year. It might be my last year for these two. Cheers.

It's so much fun "pretending"! Might need to have a friend write your note this year... and maybe you could write one for their kids. That would really throw them off the scent!

Right! Good idea. I love the holidays too. You know what I worry about the most are the kids at school. They are going to totally blow it for us. The other thing are movies. Watch out for miracle on 34th street, I know the whole premise is about believing but in the beginning it just comes straight out and says there is no Santa. There was another movie I can't remember that almost let the cat out of the bag also. Gotta keep your guard up : )

Whaddya' mean.., there's no f***ing Santa Claus!
Great post :))

Ummm... I was just "pretending". There is definitely a Santa. I'm sure you will get what you want this year. ;)

Not that I know a whole bunch about parenting..
But this seems like good parenting to me man.

Thanks man. It all depends on the kid. You kind of just have to know your kids and wing it.

the great reward of being a parent is we get to enter Toyland again and rediscover the magic of who we were

This comment made my night. You are 100% correct. Man I love my kids!

I feel like the worst parent in the world... we literally just had the talk with our 10 year old stepson that Santa was not real... He seemed to take it pretty well but you could tell that he wasn't sure whether to believe us or not and he kept asking why would people tell little kids this for so many years... we didn't have a great answer. Ha :)

No way. It all depends on the kid. I am actually going to edit this later and mention that. This worked for my kid, it might be totally different for other kids. Heck it might not even work for his little sister.

We forsook the Santa story when our sons were still pretty young. For us, it was lying. So we told them the truth and apologized.
Our older son is the more stoic one anyway, and seemed to handle it just fine. He was very matter of fact about it. I think he suspected.
Our younger son was another story. He's the social one with his emotions on his sleeve. As soon as we told him, he started crying. We apologized and tried to comfort him. After a while he told us that he wasn't crying because there wasn't a real Santa. He was crying because we had lied to him.

I respect this. I think I was just trying to find that sweet spot between childhood and adolescence. My kid just happened to make it long enough to fully accept that it is all "pretend" (this was merely sheer luck). He was able to process it as not simply a lie. Each family is unique. I respect how every family handles the situation. This worked for me. I know it will not work for all.

It's all good. I wouldn't have said anything if you hadn't asked. :)
We all do what we think is right and best in raising our kids. We all screw something up. And a lot of what we do isn't right or wrong, it just IS - and it's good because it IS with our kids.

This is one of the most reasonable things I have ever read on the subject of parenting. Something tells me you will take that as the compliment it is intended to be. Exactly! We all should do what IS right with our kids. There is no way to know what it IS until the situation presents itself. Cheers!!!!

I found out when I was about 9 years old - because my siblings and I were playing hide and go seek and I nearly knocked myself out on presents from Santa in my hiding spot in my parents' bedroom closet. Luckily, being the eldest, I loved having more secret knowledge than my kid sisters and brother! And when I quietly approached my parents about it and there was no denying the truth, they did a fine job of saying I had a powerful adult secret of the highest importance and that it was now my job to keep that secret or all imagination would die. LOL
And when my kids began to question Santa, I did like you did, asked them what they believed...until they found undeniable truth...and then they graduated to a super adult secret too. I honestly thought the boys would ruin it, but they were so proud of their "graduation" it was almost sacred. :D
Even to this day, after admitting I put the presents under the tree, they ask if I believe in Santa and my answer is Absolutely! They wink and say "Me too."

"Me too" indeed! Great story!

Thank you for this beautiful insight! I don't have any kids yet, but I would do it exactly the same. I have two little brothers (twins, 9 years younger than me) and I won't ever forget their eyes on the Christmas Eve. It was what you called magic. They entered the living room, saw the presents below the decorated Christmas tree and we - my parents and I - had to tell them that Santa just left and unfortunately we wouldn't meet him personally. By telling them we became part of this magic, too. I said I don't have experience in parenting, but I am convinced that magic is a wonderful and very important piece of the basis for a strong parent-kid-relationship. Hope reading more about it from time to time ;-) Upvoted and following. Steem on!

Wow I have twin little bothers as well (8 years younger) so I understand exactly where you are coming from!

That's a really nice coincidence! ;-)

My son asked me the dreaded question about Santa Claus.
"Dad, Kevin at Kindergarden says there is no Santa."
I looked him in the eye, (well not exactly in the eye, as he was about 4/5yrs of age and quite small, but you get the picture) and said "Listen son who ever brings you the Toys at Christmas is Santa Claus.
(Now go tell Kevin to go F*** himself, - No I never said that. But, it did go through my mind filter and was stopped.) He went away happy with the answer.
And no more was ever asked or said about Santa;D~

LOL! I figure you really can't go wrong. If a kid doesn't want to know the truth they will just think, "they don't know what they're talking about".

My 6 year old sat us down for the talk a month ago, my wife cried.
He's playing along for his siblings and I think he enjoys it more now, in the 'adult' role.

Yep every kid is different. I have heard great stories fo kids really enjoying being in on the "pretending" with the adults. I hope you have fun!