Happy 40th Anniversary to Star Wars...the Most Important Movie of My Life

in #life7 years ago

40 years ago today, the most important movie of my life was released.

Some people on steemit have a passion for crypto currency. Others love to write about their political beliefs. Some want to share their deep philosophical musings.

The majority of what I write is about nonsense.

I have enough economic, political and philosophical challenges in my daily life. My brain is constantly active and engaged. When I log into steemit, I want to have some fun. Most of the time, I want to write and laugh about... nonsense.

Some may argue that I am wasting my voice and I am doing nothing to improve the world. But I try to do that all day long. I frequent steemit in order to help me recharge for "real" life and its challenges. In other words, steemit is an escape for me.

But the biggest "escape" in my life has always involved Star Wars in some way. Now clearly, I don't mean that it replaces the joy of spending time with friends and family. I mean that when it comes time for me to have my personal down time, Star Wars has always been there.

Some people choose to read, watch movies, write, draw, paint, or exercise during their "me time".

For the past 40 years, when it is time for "me time", more often than not, I Star Wars.

That is actually the first time I have ever used those words as a verb. But for me, it is the most accurate way to describe what I do. Although it is true that I read, watch movies, exercise, and write, all of those things have some kind of external value. Reading exercises my brain. I watch movies with my wife and kids. I exercise to try and stay healthy so I will be around for my kids. I write to express myself.

But I Star Wars for one reason only: pure joy.

I was 5 years and 11 months old whenStar Wars was released exactly 40 years ago today. After my mom saw the phenomenom growing, she saved up money to take my sister and I to see this history making movie. (Oh and please don't downplay that. Star Wars changed special effects and movies forever. Of this there is no doubt).

Ever since I saw that movie when I was 6 (it took her a few months to save the money) I have had one consistent "me time" theme: Star Wars.

When I was a child, my friends and I never asked, "Do you want to play Star Wars?" If we weren't playing sports, it was assumed we were going to play Star Wars.

The only question we asked was, "With the guys or we are the guys?"

This meant we would either be playing with the action figures or pretending to be characters from the movie. We did this every day for many years.

When I wasn't playing Star Wars, I was watching it. When I wasn't doing either of those, I was playing any video or board game that had to do with Star Wars. I was also creating unbreakable bonds with my friends who were just as obsessed as I was.

As I grew older, I clearly couldn't play with toys anymore (or at least not get caught). So I found new ways to Star Wars. When I was around 19, Timmothy Zahn began releasing a series of Star Wars novels. To this day, the only books I have read more than once are those novels and "Ready Player One".

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When I finally got a real job, I continued Star Warsing by collecting imperfect versions of the toys I had as a child. I decorated my house with them. My wife even let me have a room dedicated to them.

Then my wife gave me a son. Not even Star Warsing could compare to that joy. I didn't need "me time" anymore. I now craved "us time".

As soon as I saw my son, I promised I would never force him to like the things I liked. I wanted him to be his own person. Luckily for me, a friend of mine gave him a stuffed talking Darth Vader when he was born. It became his favorite toy.

Another friend gave him children's versions of the Star Wars trilogy books. Those became his bedtime books... every night.

It appears that Star Wars was in Timmy's DNA.

So Star Wars transformed from being my "me time" to my son and my "our time".

When he was first learning to speak, my wife popped in Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope. I will never forget my tiny son gasping and covering his tiny mouth while he shouted "R2 fall down. Oh no! R2 fall down!"

I wil also never forget taking him to see the Clone Wars cartoon... when he was inappropriately young for it. Or playing with his Galactic Heroes. When he was 4, I remember buying him a Star Wars Lego set designed for 12 year olds. He put together 8 pieces of the Twilight. I put together the other 3000. After two full days of back aching building (no exaggeration... my back actually hurt) I presented him with the finished product. Eight minutes later, it was completely dismantled as Timmy began using the pieces to create his own Star Wars ship. I could not have been happier.

Then it happened. I finally sat down to watch the horrendous prequels with Timmy. I had avoided it for as long as I could. I could not stall any longer. He needed to see them. So I obliged. Something amazing happened. His amazement, excitement and utter joy while watching them, made me forgive George Lucas (a little). By the time Timmy asked, "Did they really film that battle in a volcano?", my attitude had changed completely. Timmy reminded me how to Star Wars.

Stop asking questions. Stop looking for meaning. Be a kid and enjoy!

Not too long after this, my daughter MJ joined in on the fun. We began watching Star Wars Rebels together every week. Then we went to see The Force Awakens on its opening night. She fell in love with Rey and BB-8. She even sleeps with a stuffed BB-8. In fact, my daughter is Star Warsing right now in her Rey and BB-8 T-shirt. Apparently, Star Wars is in her DNA as well.

Star Wars has built a bridge between my childhood and my children's childhood... clearly, it is the most important movie of my life.

Do you and your kids share a similar childhood connection?

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I've always mentioned I love the way you have used this stuff to get close to your kids, bridge some gaps, there is a life lesson in there for all of us man.

It is sticking with me more than you likely know since the first post on this you discussed this in and I am hopeful I can keep remembering this that you taught me and apply it elsewhere in life.

When I am not Star Warsing

lol beauty way of verbing - so much new verbing....

Thanks man! Yeah I never thought of it as a verb until I starting type this.

man you know how to leave a comment that makes people happy. Thank you!

You are such a nice dude, I wish you were my dad LOL

Yeah -- you verbed hard.

When I see Star Wars stuff out in public now when I get out, I get a big smile because it makes me think of you and how nice you are and what a light you have become to many of us.

You have bridged THAT gap in humanity for a LOT of people and you should remember this.

You have carried the on screen light and torch OFF screen to daily life and that is just honestly the truth.

You Star Wars really well.

May the Force be with you!!!!

Can you be Bernie instead, he wiped out an entire payout on me, today, told me my content sucks and I am a leech... the one where I welcomed Sommer to Steemit, 7 days ago, and I was giving her part of that $110 payout, my 3rd post ever that made $100.

Dad, where is your lightsabre???


7 flags at full power.

The way you engage with others has serious value. You encourage so many people.

Hey @hanshotfirst its amazing how somethings relate to ones childhood therefore pulling you back to that excited mindframe, it was my sister that introduced me to starwars so many years ago now.

Make sure to thank your sister! I hope my kids eventually pass it on to theirs.

Star Wars is the best !!!

Wot do you think about the new episodes? when Disney took over

I think they wrote The Force Awakens for kids again. I felt it did a great job of building a bridge between old people like me and a brand new audience like my 9 year old daught

Yeah. I think the new episodes are great. Though honestly, I like the scripts in the previous episodes better. Much more classic and memorable.

Empire Strikes Back is my absolute favorite.

Oh yeah I loved it and voted. Forgot to leave a comment. Just did.

My five year old sang her ABCs to the tune of The Imperial March.
That's a parenting win.

Huge win!!!! That is awesome!

Great post and how you use your love for Star Wars to connect with you family as well as others!

Thanks! I got very lucky that my kids enjoy it.

I was there in 1977 at the premiere (I was 13 years old). This movie was something I had never seen before, it was unlike any film before it! I sat there captivated, lost in ' a long time ago, in a galaxy far far away'!
Good article, and what good memories of a time when I was more innocent, and the world seemed a better place!

Thanks! Wow I am jealous that you were at the premier and can remember it. I was slightly too young. That must have been amazing!

Star Wars: hokey, ridiculous... and completely brilliant. For me too this movie looms large as a presence in my childhood. I had a Luke Skywalker action figure. Luke - played by Mark Hamill, or as my friend's Mom used to say:

"Not mah horse, not mah donkey, but mah camel." :)

That is awesome! My friend and I had the Luke in battle fatigues figure (along with all the others). We had never seen that word so we pronounced it "Fat - i- gez". His mom corrected us. We said "That's nice but 'ft-i-gez' sounds cooler."

I'm pretty stoked Disneyland has a real-world version in the works. Cheers @hanshotfirst.

I know! I am headed there in 2019 for sure!

great movie it remind to me when i was younger!!! great article @ hanshotfirst:)

Thanks! And I agree. I enjoy thinking back to my youth.