Waking up?

in #life6 years ago (edited)

For a long time I thought that I had woken up, I thought that I knew what was going on in the world. My perspective has changed. While waking up, we have all really been living in our own version of sleep. The truth is that we have been doing what humans do, defend delusional or irrelevant ideas and information.

To really wake up, you have to realize that any information you gathered in your life is seen through a distorted lens. You are a piece of life, which means that you hallucinate your reality.

To be awake is simply to be nothing, by being nothing, (dead of thoughts), dropping all that you know, you can see that you are no different than the rest of the universe. There is nothing in this universe that is not equal to you. The only thing that exists is our perception, that which we can perceive, is bias against other things.

Life is full of discrimination, but we have lost our interactions overtime. We make life simpler and simpler.

The human race is a dying piece of life. Ever since our first steps to making tools, to make life "better", simpler, we have been declining into death.

That is why everyone looks so lifeless, why more and more people are depressed, and want to end their lives. Death is approaching, but we can decide to do the opposite. The people waking up, are a symptom of a dying piece of life, people have nothing to do but see the faults in society.

The thing is, this was never about a corrupt politician or a faulty system. This problem is about the nature of reality and what we are, as life forms.

Seeing clearer allows us to understand that the current world is broken and boring, unfulfilling.

The answer to this is to go to sleep hardcore, we need to make our lives so beautiful and complicated that we cannot die. We are not meant to think about these topics. They should be solved by default, we should have a beautiful, interesting, crime free, rule free, exploitation free and healthy world.

The reason we can complain about these topics is because we have been left to become more dead inside.

What if everyone was supported to grow farms, stop working in mundane city jobs, eradicate all major beliefs, so that everyone in the world could form their own.

What if we just realized that violence, and wrongdoing is irrelevant. The universe is all one thing, what you do effects everything around you.

The only thing we really need is to keep a portion of the population completely awake. Then allow them to have enough power to keep the life alive in the world.

listen to this song now, music is the result of life, enjoy it while it means something:

You should watch the music video too. I think its about the degrading nature of human society.



Maybe this is exactly what the governments have been trying to do. Maybe the unknown leaders of the world are working for good reasons, but maybe they are completely screwing it up?

Or maybe, just maybe, our own perceptions have been delusional all along and we have made some progress. (But I doubt it)

We need to dance, that is what life does, it dances in beautiful ways. Stop being so serious in your philosophies, because that is just limiting your experiences. (Making them simple)

Maybe there is no leader group. Maybe we are all just people of different types and abilities, and just like us, there are scattered, confused, dysfunctional people all around the world that need our help.

Maybe it is our own modern lives, our habits and the changes we have made from living in nature, that have caused all our pains. If we would try to fix them, by letting go, and dancing faster and faster, all our problems would disappear.

We need to change the way we work. We need to improve the human people. One step at a time.

New, smaller "compressed" playlist:

  • Please check it out! I want us to start grabbing life and building it into more.

Heaven is building, and loving the hardship.
You can do anything if you overcome all negativity.
Let us swim in progress. Don't take the easy route.
Take the hard one, and love it. Because you are "bigger" and smaller than everything.



An interesting view on being "awake".... life is what we make it I think...


You got SNEKKED! ;)
Expect a certain Snek to come 'round and give you a bite soon ;)

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